Saturday, October 3


I've had it w/ planning this vacation. So many things have come up and so many things are preventing it that I've reached a point where I just don't care anymore. I'm gonna be REALLY bummed if I book alla this and then Stan gets in the Academy and I have to cancel. That's a big worry in the back of my mind. Ugh, there really isn't winning. Should I just stop with this damn thing ? Let it be. Save my big trip for never ? My 'a' key is really sticky, just as a side note. Ohh, and then my dad is like you can use my credit. Yea, he said that OUTTA nowhere. That's kinna irking. I asked him for that a looong ass time ago. And now it expires on Monday, so it pressures me and Stan to make a decision hella soon a/b our trip. And he's like I'm too tired to be making a choice right now. Which kinna upset me.

And in other bad news, my cell phone is HELLA acting up. My text is being super retarded and simply not working. It won't send. I can receive, but not send. It's pissing me off.

I'm debating dropping CADD. I don't think I can pass w/ this teacher. He's bad. I should rate him. Ahahaha. He's so artsty. I need direction in a class. I don't learn by feeling the key strokes and hearing things. If that means retaking it and staying at City longer, than be it. I'm not putting myself through torture. I'll make my decision 2m after talking it over with Stan and seeing what my options are.

Um, I got a weird phone call from a person that I'd like to leave anon. I wasn't expecting this call, and I ended it as soon as I could. It was random. Lots of pauses. Lots of um's and so's, and awkward silences. I have no idea why this person called. This call put me in a strange position.

2m is Demari's game. I'm going with Katy and Demonte. I wanna go shopping for a bit too out there. Are there good malls ? I wanna buy sweaters and long sleeves since I'm outgrowing alla my screen tees. Now I gotta google stuff.

I'm procrastinating taking this pill b/c I can't swallow it (even though I cracked them in half with mom's pill cracker) so I bite them a bit. Then they dissolve and that taste is so gross. I should've went with the cream. Prolly wouldn't have been as long for going w/o sexytime too. Ahahaha.

Mmkay, pill time, then pee time. Then.. Idk. Google ? Ahahaha.

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