Saturday, October 24

Kinna tired.

So.... the last time I blogged was on Wednesday. A lot I guess has happened since then.


Um, school, home, ate, napped while Uncle Herman and his grandchildren were working on the windows, then lab (which was HELLA easy), then back home. I know that's boring, but ehh. I'm trying to remember if anything exciting happened, but I'm seriously drawing a blank. Oh well.

So, this day was fun. Speech. No offense, but Maraune gives the longest and most boring speeches. He repeats EVERYTHING he says for no reason. I found a good parking spot too. Anyway, came back home, rested some. Then woke up and called Katt to see if she wanted to tag along w/ me to my interview for smoking everywhere. She came. That was the QUICKEST interview I ever had. He asked me TWO questions and these people weren't even organized. Nobody knew I was coming. So I'm supposedly getting another call or something if they like me. Whatever. Then after that, me and Katt went to Jamba b/c she's my bff who has gift cards. I had a yummy Strawberry Sunrise. I loveeee those. Then we came back to my house and watched some People's Court. Then up to Joi's game. Presidio kicked our ass. Kapp sucks as a coach. Joi should sit in on the boy's practices. The girls have no plays. It was upsetting. Soooo, then I left the girls and ect there while me & Katt went to get EVERYBODY crepes. I got one, and then Stan surprised me with saying he wanted to take me on a bike ride to Girahdelli. That was really sweet, but I had to change my outfit w/h kinna stressed me out. I wanted to just look pretty, but I couldn't get through to him. Soo, I had to come back, pick up my two sisters, My-my, and Demonte, distributed crepes, dropped them off, and gave Katy my crepe to give to her sister. Then I got home just in time to see Stan pulling up. I ran over to him and just hug him. It's soo nice. I really missed him. Then I come home, change, sort the clothes, put up dishes, then we leave. Had a nice ice cream sundae, talked a bit a/b the Academy, then went to the Parc to pick up his check. He's upset b/c they aren't giving him his sick pay. But whatever. Came back to my house, snuggled, sexytimed, snuggled, he fell asleep, and then I woke him up so he could go home and rest.

A lot is happening today. Well, not for me, just in general. Grampa and Laura are coming up. Stan is doing this fundraiser with his other recruits where they march into the bay in their PT clothes and salute. I really don't get it. That just seems like they're trying to embarrass them, but whatever. I'm not in charge of this stuff. And today I'm getting my hair done. Idk what time though. And I'm not going to be home until HELLA later. That's kinna irking.

I know for this day, I'm going to Demari's game. Stan and Katy are coming. And I might take Joi as well. Dad is going to drive Grampa and Laura. Then I'm supposedly going over to Nick's for cookies and alcohol. Yummy. Only b/c he owes me. Then that'll prolly end early. He needs his rest.

So, it was really nice seeing Stan, but I'm going to need more of him than just three hours a week. I'm trying really hard to not be selfish, but g'damn, I got needs too. Mmkay, I'm starving, so I'm gonna eat. Then get ready for Oscar's. Ugh. *Note to self, bring coloring book.

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