Saturday, October 10


So.. Thursday was a semi weird day. I wasn't expecting what happened to happen. It started off w/ Stan canceling our Thursday afternoon chill b/c he had to go to a fitting for his uniform. I didn't know he was going with Paul until after he TOLD me that we should watch Paranormal State with Paul and his coworker. Which, I just found out is REALLY young. If Paul's older than Stan, and she's younger than me, that's young. Mmhmm. Anyway.. none of that happened. We just went to eat. Then I got upset b/c Stan was neglecting me. He doesn't think of his actions or lack there of. So I kinna blew up at him b/c I had it. Then he tried to apologize as we were leaving on the bike w/h was prolly difficult b/c you can't really hold a conversation on that thing. It's loud and the helmet and yea. But anyway, we semi reached a conclusion. Then we decided to go see Toy Story, but left b/c you know how I get during movies. And then we came home and he's like I can't continue b/c I feel bad. And that tripped me the FUCK out. Like, he STOPPED b/c he felt bad. Then we talked a/b it and he honestly did feel bad. I was shocked. He's like, I shouldn't treat you how I treat you and not expect you to be upset. And I was like wow. It took him a year and a half, but he finally got it. Now let's see what he does to act on this.

Today I'm hanging out with Lindsey! Yay. I'm excited. I haven't seen her in a looong time. We're eating at Pasta Pomordo on California. Yummy. I should be in process of getting ready, but I'm a procrastinator. I'll look up the menu and directions. I should look up how to get to her house. Ahahah. I'm also supposed to be going to the Mighty4 thingy in Oakland, but Idk if I'll go b/c it'll take a/b an hour to eat, then to pick up Jess & Katt it'll be already around 2. Then a/b 45 minutes to drive out there, to spend two hours in Oakland ? Hmm.. we could go to Walmart and play around there. What malls are in Oakland ? I'll gts too.

Um, I think that's all I have to blog a/b today. Time to change my FB status and google a million things.

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