Tuesday, October 20


Today fucking sucked. It really did. I woke up and felt sick. I'm still prolly going to be sick. Forever and ever. Until I get to see my boyfriend. "Baby, why don't you see that I need you HERE with me?" I had to pick up Joi and Demonte so I had to cancel seeing my lbo. And then when I was was trying to leave freehand, I discovered a fucking FLAT tire on my poor car. So I had to call Triple A. Ugh. Today just sucked. All around sucked. I hate my life. I should be doing my Russian, but ehh. It's easy. And I have a fatty headache. I've had this headache for a few days. If I still have it by the end of the week, I'm going to go in. I'm so tired of the hospital.

I forgot that 2m I have to go to an open interview @ Levi Strauss. I know people NEVER get hired from these mass things, but it's worth a shot. I need something. And I have another mass thing next Monday for a storage company. I hope I get that more than Levi.. but beggars can't be choosers, right ? Esp. in this economy. Speaking of jobs and whatever else, the rink will be starting in a/b two weeks. Yay. Maybe that'll give me time to not think a/b Stan. And give him time to miss me for once. My goal is to NOT make anybody fall for me. That's my goal every year, but it ALWAYS happens. Ugh.

My headache won't go away, even with Advil. I don't even know when I'll have time. Maybe Monday after the interview ? Ugh.

With the rink money, I need to buy me a phone, the Valennersary gift, and pay off a ticket. Soo much shit that needs to be done. Hopefully I'll make enough. Ohh, and I gotta pay for half of my bday. I plan to put the down on my bday first, then the phone, then the valennersary gift. Hopefully I'll be making enough in these few weeks. And hopefully I get a job. I applied to a few more today.

Grampa and Laura are supposed to be coming out here sometime this week b/c of Demari's homecoming. I'm not even all that excited. Whenever they come, I always hide. Not even b/c it's them. It's b/c it's her. Why did my Grampa get married ? He did NOT need to do that. And he now knows it. He talks bad a/b her alla time, but I still love him.

I need some love and affection. I wonder if I'll ever get it. Prolly not. I'm not gonna hold my breath.

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