Wednesday, October 14


Party in the USA is a catchy ass song. Ahaha.

Today was pretty damn boring. I woke up hella early b/c I had to revise my speech. I hope I did better. Um, Russian in the language lab. So, it's official, I don't like Shant, or whatever his name is. He's rude. And he better back off of Nina. Ahahah. Poor girl. Anyway, he's freaky. He's like, always staring, and speaks up a/b random things. NOBODY cares a/b what you have to say. I was FORCING myself to stay awake. It was kinna sad. Um, I should be working on that paper that we need to go over. I gotta focus. Speech class, I got my review back. It was terrible. I went OVER the time limit. I think I should ask for a bit of an extension b/c of my stutter. I wonder if she'll go for that. Um, I gotta also do a PowerPoint or figure out some sort of visual aid to go along w/ this. This topic is hard b/c.. there aren't a lot of pictures. Not positive ones though. Maybe just with the facts it'll be enough. I came home and slept. Omgah, I was SOO tired. Slept from a/b 12 to 3:30.

2m, I have to go to class, then break with Bunny. I wanna pick up Desiree's clothes from the cleaner's 2m too. Um, I'm thinking a/b bringing Stan something easy for lunch. Just like Chinese food or Hawaiian food. I could just go for a little spam musubi. And 2m is my boyfriend's orientation for the Academy. Gotta get his uniform and alla that. So, Idk if I'll be seeing him after, but I know that I'll be getting him on the weekend. Omgah, a weekend. Like a normal couple.

I hope my Spring semester is better. I'm not feeling this semester at all.

Dear Jesus, please give me a job. 2m I also have the phone interview with the people for being a demo rep for Petco. Yay. Hopefully I get it. Which makes me want to go browse jobs now.

I feel like I should talk a/b this situation. I think you need to let him go. He's a grown man, and you can no longer baby him. I'm going to be the bigger person and release it. One day a week with my boyfriend. This isn't fair, but I don't want to be the reason you're bitching at him. So fine, I'll step back. But you need to realize that I'm not, and lemme repeat that, not leaving. Stan is my boyfriend, whether you or anybody else likes it. We're going to be together forever. You're not going to be able to keep him. And I hope that when the day comes along where me and Stan are married, that you're not gonna be one of those shitty mother in laws who controls her son's every move. I'm holding my tongue for now b/c I have respect. But you gotta give to get. Gotta be cruel to be kind.

I don't know how much of this I can take. Things with Stan were just getting good. And then.. this happens. I'll see what happens. But if it reaches the point where I'm feeling neglected.. AGAIN, and I start looking elsewhere, I might just have to step back. Re-evaluate our situation b/c I know I don't deserve this. I know it. Even thinking a/b this sucks. I just did this big FB thing and kept saying how I didn't remember the last time I cried.. ahahaha, if only I waited a few more hours. Stupid.

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