Wednesday, October 28


I've been wanting to blog the past few days, but I've had no to do so. :( But now I have time, so it's all good.

I had sooo much fun on Monday. Um, school, interviews, show for Gabe. The interviews were kinna fun. Well, the one interview I went to, for the storage company. It went well, but I haven't heard from them. So I don't think I got it, but ehh, whatever. Anyway, I went to the second interview for the gym to be a receptionist, but there wasn't anybody there. So I just called it quits. It's whatever. Stupid people. Then I chilled until it was time for the concert. It was soo nice. I loved the environment there. It was nice and quaint. The show was good. I got a CD from Gabe, autographed w/ my name spelled right. Yay me. Stayed there until a/b 11. I had to do homework so I came home and didn't ko until a/b one.
-Emotions from that day were kinna all over the place. I was bummed, I was down, but I was happy. I really want me and Stan to work. He just had the worst day. He sounded so sad and all I wanted to do was give him a hug to make him feel better. My poor bunny. This academy is taking a toll on him emotionally as well. I didn't think it would be that bad.

Um, I really can't remember what happened this day. Ahahaha, it was yesterday. I remember school, getting high from art class and those god damn markers. Ohh, Joi's basketball game. Vis played against ISA, and that poor school. I've never seen anybody get murdered that bad. The score was like 48-7. And they were lucky on the shots they did make. Vis was stealing the ball from them like it was nothing. The team didn't even seem like they were trying. The eighth graders from Vis were upset b/c Capp benched them. But they need to understand that when you're killing somebody that bad, you gotta send in your second string. Anyway, they won. Joi wanted Bayside b/c she was hungry. So I took her there and grabbed myself some dinner for the night. Dropped Joi off and then me and Katt went to Creations. It's nice there when it's empty. I heard my song again. I love that boyfriend real man song with the dance. Ahahahaha. Anyway, Katt went home, I did too. Did hella Russian homework, then ko'ed.

Russian, had a test. I had to wake up early to finish my homework and go over the material for the test. My boyfriend didn't text me like I wanted him to, but it's okay. I somehow woke myself up at 5. And I said that 515 thing, but realized that I should just get a move on it. After I finished the homework, I decided to study. I realized I didn't need an hour to study, so after 30 minutes, I went back to sleep for 45 minutes. Woke back up, got ready. I decided to go to 7-11 for breakfast b/c I wasn't gonna make it through the day w/o any form of caffeine. So then I drop off the kiddies, park, walk to the library. It turns out the quiz was on something completely different than what I had studied. Oh well. I still did well on that shit. Omgah, I gotta mention the Shant and Nina thing. That poor girl. The Armenian Shant obviously has a crush on Nina. He tries to deny it. So anyway, he comes up to us today in class and he's like hey how are you, alla that jazz. And then he says I'm not trying to hit on you, which makes it even more obvious that he is trying to hit on her. Poor Nina. I think he's trying to hit on me, but he knows I have a boyfriend. I love you bunny. Since 1900. Anyway, there's going to be a trip offered to go to St. Petersburg for a month in the summer. I want to go, but I doubt my parents will let me. So, class ended, went to speech. Guess what ? It was canceled. So I came home. Slept, watched tv, now this.

I want me and Stan to work, so I'm going to do all and everything that I can to have it happen.

I decided to stop applying for jobs until towards the end of December for the reason that I'm not gonna be able to handle two jobs.

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