Monday, October 19

Rain, rain, go away.

Dear Jesus, why do you make it rain on Mondays ? It sucks. It's like STORMING right now.

So today, I didn't get to watch my Judge Alex b/c the baseball stuff was on. So, I came home, ate (b/c I was starving) and slept. Woke up to like 50 texts, but ignored alla them. Now I'm tv'ing and waiting. Waiting patiently until my Bunny comes, if he comes. I have a feeling that something bad will be happening and there will be some sort of excuse given. But we'll see. If I don't hear from him at all after 5, I'll just take it in stride.

So, I really don't have a lot to say. It's raining, but I'm HELLA hot. My battery light keeps blinking on my laptop, anybody know how to fix that ? I would HATE to be a mail person in SF. The weather sucks. I give props to them.

Today may be the day.. I'm so anxious. Ugh.

Um, I feel like this was short.. and I actually have more to say.

So, picking up my sister and Demonte' from school, I found up some pretty interesting news. Um.. Santana works at ROCK as a homework helper. When Joi told me, I died. That's sooo funny. If Joi didn't look hella like me, we wouldn't have had this prollem. Like, seriously. Joi didn't recognize him and if she looked different he prolly wouldn't have approached her. So now.. that might bring drama. Hopefully not

And then I felt like talking a/b how my week is busy, b/c it is.
Tuesday Lbo day! Hopefully my news will be good.
Wednesday Skye & Katy. Idk what me and Skye will be doing.. and then me and Katy want Creations.
Friday Joi's scrimmage against some school.
Saturday Hair appointment
Sunday Demari's game with Stan and Katy.
-See what I mean ? I'm spreading myself thin. Ugh.

Omgah, btw, today is Stan's first day @ the Academy. How could I forget to mention that ?
I think today I'm gonna hear..Будете ли вы за меня замуж? We'll see.

Yea, this will be my last update for the night. I just gotta let this shit out. I'm upset. And I have every fucking right to be upset. You constantly let me down. That's the only thing stable that I can expect from you. You think throwing that word around will make me feel better ? It doesn't. Don't say something that you're not going to be able to live up to. Don't tell me that you're going to see me, and then flake. And then don't be upset when I call you a flake. I'm not even upset, or disappointed anymore. I'm angered. I'm angered b/c you can't seem to live by anything you say. B/c you TRY to make me your number one priority, but it never seems to follow through and I wind up being number two. Nothing I do seems to be good enough for you. So fine. I'm not going to expect you to treat me like you're number one anything. And don't expect the same. Not until you prove you deserve it. B/c I know I've made mistakes, but now I give you the world, and you give me.. rocks. Thanks.

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