Thursday, October 15


Stan's at his orientation right now for the Academy. I hope he does okay in there. We're prolly not hanging out tonight which kinna upsets me. I didn't even get that much chill time w/ him today during break b/c I had to go w/ him and run errands, then do laundry. It wasn't even nice. But I get to have him for a weekend. Yay. That's better than nothing. I'm gonna be SUPER dressed up for him whenever I get that chance. Nice blouse, jeans, and then my new pumps. Yay. Back to the orientation.. kinna digressed there for a bit. Paul didn't bring his paperwork. Like honestly, that's retarded. How did you NOT remember your shit ? He called his dad. I lol'd b/c I remember when I called my parents for things, but that was when I was in high school. And that was a rarity. And I was scolded for it each and every time. Paul's how old and can't even remember his own shit ? Ahahahah. Poor guy.

So, 2m is gonna be hella long. I gotta give my speech. Then a doctor's appt for my speech. Then I gotta go to the rink. And I gotta go to the cleaners for sissy and BART out there to drop off her pants. So much shit to do. And maybe I'll be with Stan. If not 2m then Saturday.

I wanna see Paranormal Activity. People are all talking a/b it. I hope I won't be terrified. And if I am, I'm not sleeping that night, or I'm sleeping with somebody. Speaking of sleep, with this period, I haven't been getting much of it. I wake up around 3 or 4 and just lie there. I gotta take two Advil and chug ibuprofen just to get tired. But it's hard to force yourself to sleep when you know you only have an hour more of sleep. And I think b/c of that I've been having the craziest dreams.

I should be working on my speech. I'm not gonna do a powerpoint. I'm just gonna be lazy and give a speech. I'm changing my intro though. And I gotta figure out my statistics. This means another morning of waking up early. Ugh.

The Petco people never called me, btw. That kind of sucked.

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