Sunday, October 25

I need a weaker heart.

Baby girl loves too much. I need a weaker heart so my feelings don't get hurt so easily, so I won't be tempted to cry alla time.

Today was long, kinna eventful. Woke up, ate, showered, got ready for Demari's game. Then I had to get gas, go to the bank, get Katy, then wait for Stan. He drove to the game; mom, Joi&Demonte and Grampa&Laura went in the other car. The game was SOOO good. Demari won. Kicked butt. I got upset b/c Stan didn't even watch the game. He was soo focused on his studying. It upset me b/c he didn't have to come if he wasn't even gonna concentrate on the game. Anyway, we went to eat at this resturant. Omgah, they fucking sucked. Me, Katt, and Stan didn't get our food until everybody else was done eating. And I got my food DEAD LAST. Stan was upset at me for being impatient, but I knew that something was gonna happen. Once I didn't get my shit he was like, it's okay for you to be upset. I scarfed down alla the food I could. My chicken tenders, my half of dog, fries, onion rings (which were gross). Ohh, I ordered a pineapple juice, and that thing was gross. So I had to take Desiree's lemonade. Then we went home. Took Katt home, Stan helped me with homework, he bounced.

This is going to be the longest and hardest 27 weeks. It's putting a toll on me. Maybe if I get this job, or any job, it'll be easier so I'm not thinking a/b you as much.

2m, another busy day. TWO interviews. One at a storage company, one at a gym. Then going to the Gabe Bondoc concert. Hopefully I'm not loaded w/ homework after that. Ugh.

I'm super tired. I wanna ko. But mom of course throws hella shit on me. Lazy ass ho. Ugh.

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