Wednesday, October 21


I'm hating lifee. I need something to do so my mind is occupied. Rink can't start soon enough. I need to start that so I can work out a schedule. I think I might get hired at this cart thing for the mall. I'll get in to more details later.

Maybe I'm hanging out w/ Skye today. I'll see if she's up to it. I know I'm going to see Katyy, yay!

I'm hungry. Mmkay. I'll add more later.

So... what is there to say ? I'm in a pissy mood. Like, I'm just bitchy. I really don't wanna go to class 2m. I HATE Thursdays with a passion. There's nothing to look forward too. Tuesdays either. I used to enjoy those days. Now I'm just.. hating them. I don't even get my boyfriend. I haven't seem him a week. Well, it'll be a week and a day. His friends get to see him, but I don't. I'm not even gonna put up a fight. He needs to make the effort. I'm too weak to continue funding this relationship on my own. It's not worth it. My health is deteriorating. I'm sick. Headaches alla time, no energy, always queasy in the tum tum. Something's gotta give in this relationship.

I didn't see Skye today, but I did see Katy. We had Creations. Yummy. That was the first time I went there in the afternoon. It's better. You get water in this fancy glasses. I had glutonus rice balls for the first time. It was yummy.

Stan's supposedly coming over so he can get brass cleaner to shine his shit. I think he's trying to make up for his flakeness. Whatever. I gotta study my Russian, I gotta make up for these shitty grades. I wish I didn't change into pajamas already. Maybe I should change back. Just to surprise him. Hmm.. Maybe..

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