Sunday, October 18


Um, the layout for blogging just changed. I guess that's what I get for not blogging in hella days, huh ? So.. where to begin ?

Let's start with Friday, b/c I was super upset that day. So, I gave my speech. I went HELLA over the time. I guess that was obvious b/c I didn't really didn't prepare. But whatever. Then it was HELLA hot. Like, wtf ? So I had to go to the rink for an interview. But I wanted to change so when I get to see my boyfriend I'll look pretty. So I shaved and threw on a brand spakin' new dress. Interview, chill with Krystle and Rokkie for a bit, and then head home. I go to the cleaners to pick up Sissy's clothes, then drive to the BART station to BART out to Antioch to give them to her. It was her birthday.. so yea. Had to do that. Come back home on BART and this guy is trying to holla at me. Um, is it NOT obvious when a girl is ignoring you that she has no interest in you ? He was hella persistent. So I had to give the I'm 17 line. And then Stan's like can I just see you on Sunday ? And then I was upset. Like, I wanted to punch a bitch in the face. B/c after we already agreed to see each other, he's like can we reschedule. And I was like forget it, I'll just see you next week. B/c I didn't want to see him Sunday when he doesn't wake up until one and get here at three and leave at eight so he's ready with enough sleep for the Academy. So, I just came home, changed, took a nap, woke back up, ate dinner, then went to bed.

Saturday. Um, what happened yesterday morning ? Ohh... Demari's football game. It was a tie. A cute game. Demari just let this one guy run straight by him though. That made me upset. Ohh, and both teams kept getting injured. Like, I was gonna be one angry black woman if somebody hurt my baby. But he was fine the entire game. Then we come back to my house. I sleep before we go out to eat to celebrate Sissy's bday. Best nap ever. Woke up, still had two hours to go, and was hungry. Time flew by, we went out to eat. NOTE TO THE WORLD Don't eat at Hungry Hunter. Like, seriously. When we went, they sat us right in the middle of the room, and alla these white people were surrounding us. We felt like we were on display. Omgah, this one old lady was hella rude. My mom offered her a seat and she looked at her as if she was above her. Stupid cunt. Racist bitch. And then her friends came. Whatever. Ohh.. and then this other old white lady came in with her hair in a bun, right on top of her head. Like, it was the most hilarious shit the entire night. As soon as I seen that hair, I had to mock it. So I whipped up a bun and everybody was dying. Oh man, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Then home. Joi decided to go to Antioch, so I was happy. A nice quiet night without her.

Today, nothing. Stayed home all day. Slept, ate, did homework. FB, tweeted, showered, youtube. Maybe not in that order, but you get the idea.

2m, school, see bunny. Nothing exciting a/b that either. Idk if 2m will be all that exciting. I'm going to hear tons and tons a/b his first day of the academy.

I've been upset lately. Over lots of things. I'm being the bigger person, and I'm letting him go. I'm doing this b/c his mom has been bitching. She better not bitch anymore since Stan just dropped money for her car. Whatever. I've also been kinna bugged out over this girl on FB. Like, I really don't know her. Maybe she's just a girl from high school that alla them know, but she's commenting on Stan's everything. I know it's nothing, w/h is why I haven't made it an issue, it's just bugging, you know ? And then.. Stan said something to me a few nights ago. I'm not going to say it, b/c it freaked me out. Maybe I'll say it if it happens. Well, I know I'll say it when it happens. I'm just hesitant. What he said wasn't funny. Not at all. I'm worried that I'm getting my hopes up and then it won't happen. So.. yea, I'll just leave it at that.

I'm bored. Today was such a lazy Sunday.

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