Sunday, July 19

Things I wish I could say to you, but I can't.

I dislike how I go outta my way for you and you just don't seem appreciative. I dislike how I function around your time and your schedule. I dislike how you call out the obvious, state stories multiple, and sometimes how you push me to do things I know I shouldn't even be doing. I already told alla this to the other member, it's just you who I don't feel comfortable, I just don't know how to word it with you. I have a feeling that if I bring this up something big will come outta it, an dI don't need that. I don't even want that. I just want you to know how I feel.

So, yesterday we went to Hot Pot. Yay ! That was my first time, and I REALLY like it. It's fun, making your own food. I wanna go back there with Stan. It'll be way fun.

I've decided to ask Heidi if I can just borrow a few of her assignments and copy them b/c I don't wanna have to retake this class. Hopefully she'll say yes.

2m, finally Monday. This week I'm seeing Stan on Monday b/c we're going to Nick's. I'm gonna write him a letter b/c I feel it needs to be done. I wanna apologize to him. Then Tuesday I'll give Stan his surprise and maybe chill with him for a little bit.

I have my second opinion 2m too. I don't care if they tell me it's eczema again, I just want a cream that'll help it go away.

I should be doing this project, but I'll arrive at school early 2m. End of story.

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