Saturday, July 25


Right now, I'm functioning off of two hours of sleep, and a recent one hour nap. I should start w/ last night, since that's when it all went down.

Last night:
I was upset b/c Stan disappeared on me. I don't think he realizes what that's like. So I was all nonchalant and told him that I was gonna ko, around 12. I didn't hear from him until about 1. Carrots started making noise so I decided to Google ways to help her fall asleep. Apparently since rabbits have big ears they like noise. That's why when it's quiet she likes to bang alla her crap around. So I turned on the comp and put on Pandora and she was instantly quiet. Geeze. Now I gotta sleep w/ Pandora on so Carrots can stfu. Then b/c I was all upset at Stan b/c he disappeared and b/c I worried, I decided to text him and let him know how I felt. This is around 3am. We talked and talked and he shut me down and we talked and talked until EVERYTHING was out in the open. We talked until about 6am. We talked about it all, and I felt really good.


It was Katt's bday bbq. I had to be at her house at 10am. I didn't sleep until 7. I saw a really good episode of Law & Order SVU and had to watch it. It was really good. Then I took a nap basically, since I had to be up at nine. And my nap wasn't even all that good. I was also upset b/c Carrots was making hella noise. I like sleeping in silence. She's such a bitch. Anyway, Katt calls me around 9 so I can wake up and start to get ready. I was exhausted, but had enough energy to go. I walk over there and her entire family was outside. It was awkward. And then on the way over there we got lost. Google maps didn't know there was construction happening so we went all the wrong way. I pulled out my handy dandy GPS and got us there. Then we had to go all around looking for a place to bbq. We actually found a really nice spot. The food was good. I'm sad that are playground area wasn't fun though. It was for the little kids. It said for kids ages 2-12, but I think 5 would've been the limit. The things were so low and small. The slide wasn't even a slide. I sat on it and my feet reached the bottom. We then went to the water area and attempted to fly a kite but it broke and then we reattached it, and then it worked. Then we went home. I walked Prince and ko'ed. It was a bomb nap.

I'm getting Carrots a new litter box, critter litter, and food if it's under $2o. Then I'm cleaning and packing for my sleeepover. Yay ! I'm so excited. I gotta get his suprise ready. Hella fun. Sexyyyy. And then I gotta get ready to cook for him. Play married couple for a day. Ohh, and doctor's appt.

StanBratchikovIsAmazing. IDon'tGiveAFuckAboutWhatAnybodyElseSays. ILoveHimLikeNoOther.

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