Wednesday, July 8

I'm back, with the good news.

So, I said I won't be back until I got good news, and I did.

Yesterday, 7.7.09, was when I got back w/ Stan. I never pursued something so big, so hard, for so long. I guess I never really wanted something as bad as I want Stan. So, I need to thank Jess b/c she kept me sane throughout the entire time. Each & every time I had a breakdown, she was there to comfort and console me. And I have to thank Katt b/c she came along w/ me on my under cover operation and she forced herself to stay awake even though she was way tired.

Now, I did some unbelievable things that prolly should be mentioned, like decorating his bike w/ balloons and a love letter, & getting his name tattooed on me. (It's on the back, like, under the bra strap. Don't think I'm walking around w/ a tramp stamp.)

I did some very bad things. I once was a very bad person. But now, I'm a good person and will only do the best things, for myself, for Stan, for the sake of our relationship. I'm on my last chance, and I won't lose it b/c I did something stupid. I love him so much, w/ everything I have. So, what else is there to say ? I spent everyday thinking of ways to get him back. I was gonna get a loan to get him a car, but I'm glad I tossed that out the window.

It happened yesterday, after a wonderful day at the Alameda County Fair (minus that one ride that made us both feel queasy). Well, at the fair, we went on alla rides even though he felt sick at the beginning. I loved the Ferris Wheels. We went on both and they were so nice and so relaxing. I loved it. And the queasy rides weren't all that bad except for like, two. That roller coaster thing that tossed you around and the cage ride thing. It was horrible. I got to have a corndog. Yay, me. So after a few hours there, we headed back home. Stopped on the way to grab some Jack in the Box, and home to eat it. Then after digesting.. sexytime. Lalalalove it. During the foreplay, I asked him several times to take me back, expecting him to say no. But he surprised me and said yes. I was like, really ? And he said yes, and we kissed. Then we finished, and I asked him again, just to be sure. He could've been all jk about the situation since I asked when he was heavy pursued. But he meant it.

I'm still on "probation". Idk when this probation will be over though. And the probation sucks. I get to see him once a week. Imo, it's better than nothing, but it still sucks. I can't complain though. I'm now playing by his rules. So yea, I'm back with good news.

In school news, I hate that class. It's retarded, it should die. The teacher, he's weird. Like his voice is soo like.. the teacher from Peanuts. He's so boring. But whatever. I'm gonna ace this final. I'm gonna bring an old floor plan and try to make it look good. I'm registered for Fall classes. I'm pissed b/c one class I wanted was cancelled, so then I had to fill it w/ a GE class. And now w/ that, I have an hour split. And I have ONE class on Friday, but at least it's at 10 so it's not that bad. My classes are all over the place though and Thursdays suck b/c I have a lab that lasts until 5p.m. But with alla that, I should be ready to go by the end of the Spring.

I wanna say more, but there's no point. I should just move on & be done with it. I have to get mom ice cream from San Bruno. Mind you it's 5pm right now, and that street is gonna be insane. I MUST clean Carrots' cage 2m. It smells horrible. That stupid bitch.

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