Wednesday, July 29

Perfection.. then anger.

So, I should probably start off w/ the most perfect sleepover that I've had w/ Stan. It was amazing. All of two days. Monday, I woke up and had to run over to that damn courthouse to fix my no insurance ticket, again. Mom took me and Joi came. There was this Asian man at the window next to me who just stinky. It was so gross. I had to pay $25 and that was all solved. Came back home and waited and waited for my Bunny to get ready so we can go to the doctor. Since there was traffic and b/c it wasn't an appt we went to his work first b/c he had to drop some stuff off to Javier. Then we went to the doctor and took my test. I think that's when we both started to get hungry, so we decided on Mexican. Went to this place near his house and got food. It wasn't all that good. I was very disappointed. Then we just cuddled and watched his "cable." Somehow sexytime started, but it didn't finish b/c we decided to go to Nick's house. We didn't loud talk and/or laugh. Watched magic, Wipeout, and Big Bang. Had some drinks, the usual. And then we went back to Stan's. It was actually nice not having to worry about driving all the way to my house and him going back home. Or me dropping him off and then going to his house. Just going to one place was nice. Went home.. finished sexytime. Tuesday we woke up around 2:30. I checked my email and was shocked to see that my test results were already up. Negative, btw. Woot woot. So I woke up and got hungry and wanted pancakes, and since I was negative, I got to have them. Then me and Stan went to the bank and tried to figure out something to do. We decided on Japanese Tea Garden and it turns out it's a $5 entrance fee, and neither of us carried cash w/ us. So we went across the street to the Botanical Garden and saw squirrels. Hella them. We went on this trail and that was nice. And we saw this girl who was deathly afraid of squirrels. She was our entertainment. Then we decided to go and rent some movies. We got the movies, went to the store to buy gravy. We got Miss March and My Best Friend's Girl. They were both pretty good. We invited Nick over for dinner (smashed potatoes, meatloaf, gravy, and corn) and drinks. Watched the movies, and it took Nick forever to leave. I just wanted to sexytime my boyfriend. So, sexytimed, ko'ed. Wednesday just woke up and had to leave so Stan can leave & go to Russian River. Turns out after he dropped me off I left my wallet at his house, so I had to go back. Had to call Katt to make her drive so it's all legal. And that was when I saw Paul for the first time. He looked just as surprised as I did. And much shorter than I remember him. Ahahha. You don't gotta like me, but you will respect me. I miss Stan already. The cuddling was so nice. Staying up until 430 am. Smelling him. Rolling over and he's still wanting to snuggle. His morning kisses. Smooth g'morning hugs. This is gonna be the longest week of my life w/o him.

My TV's retarded. It's busted. And me and mom and dad got into this fight b/c it's broken and I had nothing to do. She said I could go to Stan's, and then she's like stay home. I hate when she does that. And that's what upsets me. It's fixed, but Idk for how long.

I'm finishing my community service 2m. I hope I can leave early b/c I only have five hours left. I don't wanna be there all day 2m.

That guy who's interviewing me for the book has a little kid voice.

Wicked is happening on Saturday, and then we're going to In 'N Out. Maybe get a doughnut if Stan allows it. That bitch better have my dough. Ahahahah.

2m is Mom's bday dinner. Desi was supposed to be coming and picking up Gramma, and that doesn't look like it's gonna happen. She's like Idk if I'm even going. She's missed mom's bday the past three years. She's gonna get it.

I'm so excited for my birthday. I get to spend five days w/ Stan. Doing what I want. Waking up and going to sleep with him. Loving him.

27 more days motha fucka. Ya tebya lublu.

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