Tuesday, July 21

Recap; I'm a lucky bitch.

So.. I love this life of mine. Even though I'm on probation, I still get a lot. I respect the rules, but that doesn't mean that I can't try to bend them, right ? Mmkay, so anyway, I should recap Monday.

Class, doctor's appointment, home w/ sexytime, Nick's house, home w/ sexytime, KO. Now for the elaboration. Class.. I'm not gonna get into that. That's a waste of my breath. Doctor's appointment though, I'll talk about that. I might not even have eczema. And I found out I was putting a steroid on my face, w/h is why it was spreading. That stupid durka durka doctor. And the thing on my boob will FINALLY get looked at. They're gonna biopsy it. I'm scared about that though. I've never had anything biopsied. Does that hurt ? It just sounds painful. So the appointment was over and then I was SOOO hungry and we had to go over to the other campus and get my prescription. We got in line, I talked to a pharmacist, and he said to just go straight to him once I saw my name on the board. Instead of waiting doing nothing listening to my stomach grumble, we went to the bakery and ate. I had chicken dumplings w/ rice. I was putting hot sauce on them and Stan decided to have one and he died. I'm sorry, Bunny, but you should've known better. Then once we were done my name was already on the board and I got my stuff. Then we came back to my house and chilled. Sexytime. Omgah, it was just soo good. Nick's house. Pizza, Bailey's, magic, movies. Ahahah. Somebody called the cops on us. The cop came and said, "I was standing outside for five minutes and heard loud talking and/or laughing." Yes, b/c we just laugh to each other w/o talking and know why we're laughing. What a dumb ass cop. I'm happy that the cop didn't come in though. Ahahah. I didn't even eat my doughnut. *Sadface. Home, more sexytime, and then I straight ko'ed. Ohh, somewhere in that process, Stan left his keys at Nick's so he had to take my car. Which brings me to today.

I'm lucky b/c I got to see him today, on a technicality. Since he took my car to bring himself home, he had to come over to give it back and get his bike. Ahh, yes. But before I get into what me and him did, I gotta briefly state that I'll pass this class thanks to Heidi, and that I had a job interview. I'll be _______. C= The interview was at the retail stores of the 49ers. I'll love this job. I hope I get it. So.. Stan came over and we snuggled. It's amazing. I was an idiot, and I'm paying the price. It's worth it. He's worth it all.

I should start on my work, but I'm a procrastinator. I'll fly through it once I'm getting it done though. And I'll whiz through the hard stuff 2m and then do alla my final stuff 2m night. I should pass w/ a flimsly C, but it's better than nothing.

ilovestanislavkbratchikov. hesamazingandiwannamarryhim.

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