Thursday, July 9

Just to get it out there.

First and foremost, Carrots' cage stinks. I wish it was still the small cage so I can clean it on my own instead of waiting for people to help me clean it. I mean, it smells so foul. I'd love ANYBODY who would volunteer cleaning the cage or helping me clean it every week. Omgah, I'm not even gonna be able to sleep in here tonight if the smells continue. I keep spraying deodorizing sprays in hopes to mask the smell, and it helps, but not nearly enough.

I'm sick, btw. Stomach flu. Throwing up, shortness of breath, yay me. It's stomach flu. Ugh. I hope it gets better soon.

I need to pass this class or else I'm gonna be way behind in my next Arch class w/h means that I'll be behind. Boob. I'm just gonna bullshit my way through the rest though.

So, I've planned my birthday. I told EVERYBODY just about a year in advance. And things came up. Hell motha fuckin' yes, I'm bummed. I'm sad. I'm pissed, I'm upset. But there's nothing I can do. I guess it was just meant to be that neither of my best friends were able to come through, two years in a row. I know that they're there for me when I need them most, but the simple fact that it seems like it's gonna be two years in a row is VERY upsetting. It makes me wanna cry. And for Jess to toss how I missed her bday in my face, that was just fucked up. I missed your bday b/c I wasn't gonna drive up there on my own to a party where I was prolly gonna be the only person that I knew. And then have to drive back. That upset me. Don't throw shit in my face like that. And I WON'T miss two in a row. I understand that you have something to do. It's just upsetting. I still love you, just don't toss shit at me like that, b/c I won't EVER do that to you.
-So, about my birthday. I'm going to Disneyland. And Universal and lots of other places. Since it's just me & Stan, we're gonna stay at an Extended Stay Hotel. My original plan was to stay at a vacation home, but that's pointless now. I still wanna go to LA and shop and eat at Pinkberry's and Pink's hot dogs and whatever else. I just won't do it to that extreme. I'm actually really excited about alla this. I'm gonna have a bomb ass birthday. Minus my best friends. But I have my boyfriend. Yay.

Thank you SKB. Olive juice.

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