Tuesday, July 14

A pretty damn good day.

So, woke up, showered, got ready for school. I'm gonna have to retake that class. So yea. Whatever. Hopefully I can get in around the time of my CADD class for next semester. Or just take CADD and act like this class never happened. Ahaha. It's so pointless. I hate it.

Anyway, it's a Tuesday so that means I get to see my Bunny. It was SOO nice getting to see him again. This shit is frustrating, seeing him once a week. But I know why he's doing it. He just needs me to feel it. And trust and believe me whenever I say I do feel it.
-So.. what did we do today ? We started off with the Beach. We went w/ no jackets or gloves. Rebels w/o a cause. Ahahah. We walked the beach and there were these bug things that just made my legs itch, so I wanted to turn around. And the sand was HELLA hot so I wasn't feeling walking back w/o my shoes on. Mind you I had on flats. So, we ran up this hill b/c I didn't wanna walk in the sand back up that way. It was actually nice walking on the sidewalk. That part of our day just didn't go as planned. Not romantic at all. Ahaha. But we laughed it off. Then we went home so he can put his sweater back on. Then headed to the pet store. Yay. He's definitely decided on a turtle, and he already has a name picked out. Ahahaha, guess what it is ? SQUIRTLE. Isn't that just precious ? I'm getting him the turtle, cage, food, and an instructional manual. So.. that should be good. But, I have to wait until he gets back from his trip b/c I'm not gonna take care of it while's he's gone b/c I have no space. After the pet store, we went next door to the Chinese food place to eat. Yummy. I had curry chicken and rice and he had sweet and sour chicken and rice. The place is soo good. Then we had to go to the post office b/c he had to ship stuff. He always has to ship stuff lately. But whatever. Then we came home and kissied and cuddled. It was sooo nice, just being about to snuggle with him. Commercial break kissies and everything. Sexytime. But this was different. I cried. He's gonna take me back at the end of the summer. But that doesn't mean things will instantly be okay. I know that I'll still have a lot to work on. But, I can say that I've made major improvements in myself. He left, and it was so hard to say goodbye. I hate letting him go.

I gotta do this project, figure out where everything is, find perfect dimensions, ect.

The weekend, kinna looking foward to it, but not really.

I'm soo sleepyface. Maybe I should just skip class 2m. It's pointless.

I love Stanislav with everything I have.

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