Tuesday, November 17


I felt the nee to blog, simply b/c I'm feelin' kinna down. But I read some of meng's comic's and that kinna cheered me up. Ugh, where to begin ? Prolly Monday huh ? Since that is the last day I didn't write anything.

I hate Mondays. Well, I hate all days. I hate lots of things. Ahahaha, isn't the point though. There was some schooling happening. Then there was some home b/c I was lazy stuff. Ohh, I just remembered a/b my appointment with my counselor. Omgah, the bitch was LATE. Like, beyond belief late. I was worried a/b getting a ticket b/c I parked in one hour parking. But I decided to transfer to SJSU. It's easier to get into than SFSU b/c @ SFSU the major is impacted. And yes, I'm sticking w/ interior design. Then I went to the Beacon to talk to Thea and see what she had that I could use for my display board for my speech. Then went on a hunt for my sister. Then took her home, and forgot a/b Demonte, for the millionth time. His mom needs to stop taking his phone. Ate, did some homework, slept. Wait, and then I gotta say how I decided to go to UCB Extension over SJSU. I gotta schedule another appt with a counselor first though, to see if they have different requirements. But with alla that being said, I picked out alla my classes and I'm gonna be at a full 17 units. I woke up at 2 am b/c my throat was SUPER dry. It hurt HELLA bad. So what I did was pop a cough drop. I fell right back asleep b/c I was soo drained. And then I woke up @ 530 to finish my homework and to talk to Stan, since we kinna went to bed on bad terms last night. But he didn't even answer until 6, so in the case of me waking up early to talk to him was kinna a failure.

..which leads me to..

What happened today ? I took a test in Russian. Ugh. I NEVER pass these things. Mmkay, and then there was geo. I was awake and participating. Kinna. I don't like you. You're rude. Anyway, came home, ate, slept, woke up, art, tried to sleep more, but Luckey called. And then Joi called. I made an attempt to do homework, but I'm not in the mood now. So, I'm just gonna sleep early and wake up early. And I gotta shower. I'm thinking waking up at 5 should cover me at all bases.

I have a doctor's appt 2m. I gotta take Joi in for her shadowing. I hope I don't have to be there the WHOLE time. Gay if I do. Anyway. I'm gonna get ready for bed. At 7. Oh my. This is BEYOND gramma status.

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