Saturday, November 21

Man oh man.

Yesterday wasn't a good day. I woke up knowing that work was gonna suck. I got into with Leonard. Dumb ass. I'm not gonna get into details on here b/c it's not necessary. I just hope that something is done a/b this situation otherwise I may have to quit the rink this season. There's no way I'd be able to work in that type of environment.

I woke up today to realize that Moose and Mom were gone. I remembered that Moose had that meeting thing for some extra credit. We're supposedly having that house bombed today, but who knows. I hope we do. These flies are icky. And EVERYWHERE.

It's Saturday. We know what that means. I might go down to the rink today and talk to the supervisor and FINALLY give my side a/b what happened. And maybe to skate for a little bit with my boyfriend. We'll see how it turns out. It is Saturday, so that means drinks. I need A LOT of them this time. Omgah. We gotta clean the cage. And I want him to try Creations. Maybe we will. Or just grab some Eggettes. I want him to try something Asian.

So, I went to that doctor's appt for not having a period, and it turns out it's completely normal. I'm not pregnant so I guess everything is okay. I still gotta go in for a CT scan on Monday. Ugh. Nobody is gonna be able to go with me. I wonder if this is how it's gonna be once we're really together. Just me by myself. And I'm gonna have to schedule my major appointments and whatever else around his days off. I really hope not. I want my boyfriend to be there for me, whenever I really need him. Like Monday. This just sucks. I'm really scared. And the pains are unbearable sometimes.

Five weeks down for my boyfriend ! Just 23 more to go.

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