Wednesday, November 18

Exterminator, please ?

I think my house needs to be exterminated. There are HELLA flies just living in the house. And Idk where they're coming from, but they're irking. They just fly around a pester all that come in their way. It fucking sucks. I'm ready for these bastards to be gone. Maybe if I clean the cage more frequently. But I need help. Ugh.

Anyway, today a lot happened at the doctor. I'm broken. I gotta have a CT scan done on Monday. And I'm going back on Friday to see why I haven't had a period. It's kinna weird. It's been like four months. But I took a pregnancy test and I'm NOT pregnant, so there is no need to worry a/b that. I'm just broken. Ohh, today I had to give blood. It hurt. How can I have two tats and be okay w/ that, but be TERRIFIED to give blood ? Sucks.

I should talk to mom a/b getting an exterminator. Like, seriously. This shit is getting insane.

2m Joi has a game. Against A.P. She's nervous b/c they never beat them. Not even when Mari was on that team. But if Denman beat A.P., and Vis beat Denman, who knows what'll happen, right ? Ohh, and b/c of this game, I'm not going to Lab 2m b/c it's a field trip and I'm not missing my sister's game. So, sorry folks.

Besides the doctor's today, I had Eggettes. Yummy. A peppermint chocolate drink, but hot. Yummy yummier yummiest. Ahahaha. Mmkay, I think I have allergies to something, b/c my nose and eye (yes, only one eye) and throat is itchy. I might have to go back in if this itching doesn't stop. Omgah, I need Cepacol. I love that stuff.

Mmkay, beddy bye time for me and my boyfriend.

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