Saturday, November 7


Ouch, my hand just started hurting.

Thursday, game against Aptos, was a HOME game, after Joi made me go through HELLA steps. Anyway, it was a good game. 30-9. Gj Moose. She's bringin' it back with her game.. kinna. Ahahahah. She missed alla her threes and free throws. She's gotta work on those. Anyway, they won, and then we went to Creations. Joi's first time there. I think she enjoyed it. I gotta remember to bring the team doughnuts for their wins at the next game.

Friday, speech. Chilled at home for like an hour and then headed out to meet lbo and Noel since they were super kind to invite me to a Warriors basketball game. Information was soo misused. They thought they were doing live five sets of shows, but they only did one little thing, during a time out. They said that they messed up, ut I couldn't really tell. Check FB for pictures. Our seats were surprisingly good, imo. And the stadium looks wayy bigger on tv. Hmph, false advertisements. Came home and ko'ed.

It's Saturday ! Do you know what that means ? It means I get to spend the day with my boyfriend. I already cleaned my room, now I'm getting ready to do my linens and then shower. Maybe I'll do a load, shower, then do the next load. Anyway, I have NO clue what me and Stan are doing today. I think for the most part of the day we're gonna stay home and chillll. Then for the rest, Idk. Sad face. Oh well.

Btw, THREE WEEKS are DONE. Yayayay.

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