Monday, November 23

"It IS Monday, isn't it?"

So, I didn't realize it was Monday until a/b 5:30pm today. Today just felt so long. It seemed like a Wednesday, at least. I did so much today. First of all, I had to take the Benz today b/c dad was getting my car smogged so he can get it registered. I had thought the plan was for dad to take the kids to school. But no, that didn't happen. I wound up taking them, and Joi was moving slow, so I was late. And b/c of that, there was no parking. Well, there was parking if I was in Putt Putt, but not in the big ass Benz. *Sadface. So I had to park HELLA far away. Then, I had to rush to class, since it was a/b 8:25. That's the latest I've ever been to that class. And we had a test. I realized that I struggled doing alla that homework for no reason since she didn't even collect it. I think I did okay on the test, but it wasn't the best thing. Then there was speech class. My power point didn't work, so I lost some points for that. Ohh, I was trying to down that nasty drink for my CT scan still, but it didn't even work. I wanted to gag. So I struggled through my speech, but I made it. Then I had to rush over to the hospital. Made it there around 11:40, not bad. But I STAY behind slow drivers on the freeway that somehow wind up in the fast lane. That really gets my goat. Anyway, CT time. I drank a/b half of the other bottle. That was it. I rushed up there and was nervous. There were these cute two elderly ladies that helped calm my nerves. Thank HEAVENS for them. I was so nervous. I had to change, and then I was led in the room. I was put on this bed which wasn't that bad. Then I had to be given an IV. That thing made my vag hot. I thought I was bleeding. And the IV also made me sick. Like, really sick. I still kinna feel sick now. Anyway, after that, she took the IV out. And she obviously had issues b/c I was still bleeding after. I'm gonna have a big ass bruise 2m when I wake up on my arm b/c of her. Then I went to City to get Katy for Joi's game. We watched Ni-Hao Kai-Lan. Yay ! It was cute episode, kinna. Silly Bo-bo wanted to be the boss of everything. So then we watched AFV and as usual, I fell asleep. I woke up and me & Kat rushed to the game. Found a teacher at Willie Brown that was at King. Random. Anyway, we won that game. It was a slow one though. Like 19-3. After the game, we went to Da Kine. Came home, and now I'm blogging.

I'm really tired. And sick feeling. After I put up the dishes to shut up my mom and then do my homework, I shall be sleeping. At least in bed.

To do for 2m:
Go to the bank
Buy Carrots food
Watch movie with Katt
Catch up on sleep.

Ugh. Just ugh. I'm done with this alone ness.

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