Friday, November 13

First day.

So.. I haven't had an official period in like, three months. Maybe four. I think today's the first day that I had a bit of a real one. Maybe. We'll see how long it last. I have a doctor's appt next Wednesday for this reason. And my headaches.

Yesterday my Moose had a game. Against SF Community. That game was SOO boring. Omgah, and their coach was mean. He had like mood swings. Anyway, they won. Let's gooo Lady Falcons. 5-1. They just need better defense. Since they were kickin' ass yesterday, Cap sent in second string and they caught up. The next round of kids needs to practice more and play better. After we went to Lolocup. We're going to Eggettes from now on. Yummy.

Soo.. I'm kinna over you, as a person. I know I've said this before, but now I mean it. How could you ? It's like.. you use us. We're not really not even friends anymore. You just hit us up when it's convient for you. So now, I'm done. I want you to take initiative, but you can't. And since you can't, I won't. I'm done trying.

Today I have no school. I'm excited a/b this. I get to rest with my cramps peacefully until a/b 3. I have work today at the rink @ 4:30. Not that bad. These people better make me a cashier. I'm not feelin' it if I'm not. How can they bring in new people and not make me a cashier ? I was hired under the pretenses that I'll be a cashier.

2m is SATURDAY. What does that mean ? Boyfriend day. He said we'll go to creations. Yay. We should ride, I know he misses it. We'll see. And I wanna clean the cage. Hopefully my cramps are gone. I don't wanna be all ugh face when he's here. I hope I have pants to wear that fit for work. Ahahahaha.

Bed time. C=

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