Tuesday, November 3

So just maybe.

I think I'm growing up. I think just maybe I'm reaching that point in my life where I seriously don't have time for games. I figured this out today by being wayy concerned for the well being of my sister. I mean, I'm normally okay with her, just hoping she's fine, but today, during her basketball game, she was injured. Way injured that what it is normally expected at these games. She was pushed, and her lip got caught on her braces. From what I saw was just her lying on the floor, and then her walking over to the bench. I was super worried. I took my ass on the court not knowing what to expect. Then she told me. And I became furious. The ref said, "You're not a doctor, you need to get off the court." And then he had the nerve, the audacity to try and put his hand on me. I said as politely as I could that I'm her sister and I'm gonna keep my ass on the court for as long as needed. Punk ass. Anyway, I took her to the bathroom and she pulled it off. Then I got a paper towel and made her clean it. Her lip then had a hole in it. It looked gross. And it kept getting attached to the braces. So she sat out a few minutes in the beginning of the second half, but came back in with a vengeance and made some threes to show those cheatin' punk asses. DENMAN GIRLS BASKETBALL TEAM CHEATS !!! They took our book, changed to score, changed to points, anything and everything possible. But they STILL LOST. How in the world do you cheat and still lose ? That's what they get. Karma's a bitch; those fuckin' asian girls. And we all know I have NOTHING against asians since I am one, just those three cheated like a bitch. Ohh, one of the refs told me to be quiet. Um, no, not really. I'm loud at all the games. Sorry. Soo.. just to recap this paragraph, Denman sucks b/c they cheat, and even though they cheat, they lose. Ahahahaha, bitches.

Anyway, after the game, Joi still wanted her fro-yo from Tutti, so me and Katy went over there w/ her. I'm so glad I looked to my left @ this one stop sign and seen Tutti, b/c it moved a block up. So this was Joi's first time there. And it HELLA changed. It's now self serve. And they don't have small sizes anymore. I like the old tutti. It was better. But I think this way is more convenient for them. So we sat in the car and ate our fro-yo and Joi's lip was STILL getting attached b/c of the whole. So then I decided to call mom and see if I should take her to the hospital or whatever. Mom took forever to answer, and then she panicked. The doctor's said to not bring her in, so we didn't. Came home, she did some homework, ate, and now she's sleeping. My poor sister. I hope she's okay, and that her lip heals. (There was just an ant on my laptop.)

I want to buy a house. I think I'm ready. I 'membered a/b the thing Gramma gave me, so I should have a/b $10-15 K saved up for a down. That's already a lot of money. I'm done with this house. I'm also ready to change majors. I should check and see if they have the classes I need for interior design available next semester, and if not, I'm going to take on some zoology courses. I might go back to cheer too. Give me something to do.

I'm actually really fuckin' tired. Today was wayy too long. I must sleep, now.

Btw, two weeks down. Only a 26 more to go. C=

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