Sunday, November 29

Since forever.

I haven't blogged since Monday. How sad is that ? I do have lots and lots to say.

So, I had a surprise interview this day. I was really excited a/b it. But I didn't get the job. Anyway, after taht, me and Katt went to go watch the Blind Side. It was a REALLY good movie. I'm recommending it to everybody. Had me tear up a bit.

I have got to stop treating this like Xanga when I use shift+enter for a single space return. Ahaha. Anyway, this was the last day of school before the break. It was EMPTY. I fell asleep in Russian since I didn't get enough sleep. Then I had to suffer through a speech from a guy that annoys the HELL outta me b/c he repeats everything he says like five times and his accent is super thick. Ugh. I had work that day. So I decided to drive to BART and catch BART. Did that, worked, whatever, came home.

Happy Turkeyday everybody ! I worked this morning. It was cool though b/c I didn't really do anything. Then I had to leave early b/c Leonard came in early. So I went home, and waited around for the girls to come over. Katt came over first, which made me happy b/c I was STARVING. So then right as we were a/b to leave to take her over to her grandpa's house, Jess came. So we drove over there and dropped her off, and then me and Jess decided where to go for Black Friday shopping. We decided on Serramonte, which turns out to be a good choice. Katt came back over, and we eventually ko'ed for our early morning shopping.

Early Friday morning, (3 am) me and the girls woke up and got ready for our day. It wasn't even as bad as I expected. It just sucked b/c it was sprinkling, hard. So, our first stop was Kohl's. I had to get my boyfriend his gift, and Kohl's was the perfect place for it. I found what I wanted w/in seconds. Bought it, and we drove to the Targets. Since they both had lines, we decided to wait. Then we decided to check on Macy's, but they didn't open until 5. They didn't have much on sale either. So we went to the mall. Charlotte was open, but I didn't find anything. Then we checked on Wet Seal. They opened at 7, but it was like 5:30. We decided to grab some breakfast, finally. McDonald's. And it was sooo good. Then hit Wet Seal. I got stuff for my sister. I hope she likes it. Then we went to the Targets, to see if they had a teapot for mom. They weren't on sale, so we bounced. But we looked at socks, and I grabbed some. Which reminds me I STILL want to clean out my sock drawer. Anyway, we were done. Took everybody home, and relaxed for a bit. Showered, and Bunny came over. We chilled, then we went.. to eat I believe. I don't think today had an activity. Then Nick's house. Then back to my house and we ko'ed. He actually slept over. I kept him. Yay !

Hmm, woke up, sexytime. Then he left so he could check in with his family. I slept more, got ready. He came back, I did his laundry, and we went to the rink. I ATE it. I have a bruise on my knee. It sucked. And then I was sad. Ahahaha. We then rolled over to Red Lobster. Yum. Hella food, hardly even touched it. I've had a BIG loss in appetite. :( Then we hit Petco to grab stuff for our pets, then BevMo to get mom her draank, then Bunny had to go to Chase. Then he dropped me off, and we snuggled for a bit.

No major plans. Just doing homework. Cleaning. Emailing some people for random info. My tum tum hurts. I'm not hungry, and I have to pee.

It was super nice spending that much amount of time with my boyfriend. I really felt like I mattered for once. Ahh, I love him.

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