Wednesday, November 11

Ugh, I hate being sore.

What is it that makes me so sore after sexytime ? Anyway.. Idk the last time I blogged. So I'm gonna go back to Monday, if I can even remember that far back.

Soo.. Joi had a game. Ahaha. I can't remember school, but it wasn't that bad, obviously. Can't remember who she played. Omgah, my short term memory sucks, this was only TWO days ago. (I spelled two like tue, gahh I need some English in my life.) Was it Aptos ? Noo.. Lick. It was James Lick. I think that's it. Ahaha. Anyway, the girls played a good game and won. They're now 4-1. That's pretty damn good; I'm proud of my sisters. I brought them doughnuts for their past wins. If I had more money I'd get crepes. Maybe that'll be they're surprise for making playoffs. Bring them all crepes. Anyway, after the game, took Joi to Starbucks. They have their Christmas drinks now. And the cups are WAYY cute.

Um.. I know there was school involved. Don't remember what happened much after school. Ohh, I skipped art. I was feeling blahh. So then I waited and watched tv, even napped before the meeting at the rink. I missed my girls there. Too bad I didn't get to see Sabrina and Natalie. I miss those girls. But I caught up with Niecey and my daughter. Omgah, there are SOO many new people at the rink, it's not even funny. I was expecting there to be more old people. Only old people were Connor, me, mama, Rokkie, Niecey, Erica, Vince.. and yea. That's all that I can remember. Wait, Crystal was there. A few people are coming back I think too that just couldn't attend the meeting. I think my first official day will be Friday. I'll prolly roll through Friday regardless though.
-There's something that I want to do this year.. but Idk if I should. Maybe. I'll see how things go. Letters go a long way, you know ?

Today was soo weird. It's Veteran's Day, and everybody was off. But somehow City still had class. Anyway, I kinna got to sleep in. It was nice. I just didn't have milk, so I had to leave the house early to get some food, otherwise, I'd die. There was NO parking, btw. I had to park HELLA far away. That kinna sucked, but I lived. Class, speeches, blah. The "white guy" in my class did the funniest speech on ghost riding the whip. It was so hilarious. Came home, ordered Stan's pictures, played some text twist, and then Stan came over. Then he had to go to the bank, and then I was starving so we went to eat at Elephant Bar. The biggest argument over my eating habits ensued during this time. I will work harder to eat better, for you. So then we went over to Pet Smart b/c I needed a new litter box and Petco doesn't have them anymore. I found a nice one. It's big. I like it a lot. Maybe it'll be easier to clean. Then came back home. Snuggled, sexytimed. It's really sad saying bye to him. I hate it. Now I'm watching Ghost Hunters trying to get in the mood for homework. I have Russian and then I gotta answer a few more questions for my pass sheet, and then go OVER my pass sheet. I need to at least try for this shit.

Things to do before this week is over
  1. Put a down for my birthday party
  2. Ask Stan for the cash as a loan to pay for my ticket
  3. Repaint my nails
Mmkay, homework time.

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