Sunday, August 9

It's been soo long.

I haven't blogged in soo long. I feel like my life hasn't been documented properly b/c of this. So.. Idk even where to begin. I'll go back as far as I can remember, and jot down alla the important stuff.

Soo.. house sitting for Bunny. It was fun, kinna. I got to see what living on my own would be like. It was blah. I had to buy my own food and stuff. It prolly would've been more fun if Stan had cable that I'm used to in his house. I did wash dishes though. That's something that was VERY weird to me.

Stan's return was fun. Chilled w/ him lately these past few days. Lots of time w/ Nick.

Katt's bday things. Wicked. That was nice. I enjoyed it. Great play. I didn't like.. well.. I'm not gonna get into that just right now. Afterwards, came back to Stan's and chilled. Watched non cable, then some Jeannie, then went to bed. Next day we cleaned. Or I cleaned. Jess did help me take out the trash. Took them home then more me time all alone.

So me and Stan's time together living and playing house has come to an end. This is our last night sleeping together. It makes me kinna sad. :( I wanted to go out and end it w/ a bang, but he had to go help Paul and Beckie move a couch or something. Ugh. But I do get him for a little bit 2m and for alla Tuesday. Then it's back to the reguarly scheduled programming of my life.

This season of ABDC is a disappointment. I'm REALLY sad by what I saw. The west coast didn't step up at all, hick hoppers made it over a really talented Asian crew, and nothing overall impressed me besides the voguers. Well, west coast has won all the other seasons, so I guess it's time that the East gets a shot. They prolly picked more east coast crews that west coast on purpose. Ugh.

Soo. I'm excited about Tuesday. I'm not gonna be able to do what I want b/c I'm not gonna have the funds, so I gotta make the best of what I got. It's me and Stan's 1.5 year anniversary, even though we're not back together, I still want this to be memorable. I'll get a card or something before I go.

So.. I'm seriously over you as a friend. I've come to realize how much I dislike you. You push your ideas on to people. It seems to me it's always about what you want. And that's frustrating. So.. here's our goodbye. I'm gonna be chill w/ you and kick it every once and again, but I'm not gonna make the effort.

I'm also excited about my birthday. My best friends suck. That SERIOUSLY makes me sad that they aren't gonna be able to come. Two years in a row. But I know me and my boyfriend (or whatever he is) will have a good time. I think he's excited too.

I'm bummed that he hasn't taken me back yet. Maybe he will Tuesday ? Who knows ? Ahahha.

I need a job so me and Stan can live together. It'll be awesome. We've already agreed on it.

This post is actually hella long.

I gotta figure out how to tie a tie for my boyfriend so he can go to this meeting thing for SFPD. He needs to hurry up and become a cop already.

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