Sunday, August 30


So, today was a semi long day. I woke up around 430am b/c I was having a TERRIBLE dream. It seems less weird once I say it out loud, but when it was happening it was so weird. I don't even wanna talk a/b it. I had to watch some tv to get it outta my head. Then I went back to sleep. Woke up, slept. Woke up, slept. Finally woke up perm. so I could start getting ready to go to Demari's game. It was soo cute. I'm too lazy to get my cord to upload pictures, but hopefully I'll be doing that 2m. We won, 24-12, since they don't do field goals. Demari doesn't get what to do, but it's still cute. He tackled a few people. Hopefully he'll get better as time goes on. Then after the parents left and we all went to Sizzler. My god, I'm not eating w/ my family ever again. They're ghetto. Yoyo is just loud. Herman is rude. And he tried to make me steal his hot sauce by putting it in my purse, and then he had the nerve to hit me b/c I took it out. My own father doesn't hit me, just fyi. Gramma is lazy. She didn't get up for not one damn thing. Demonte was sad the entire time b/c he didn't get his shrimp and didn't get a drink b/c he wanted to be a big kid. Demari was good as usual, since he can get away w/ murder around me. Joi was actually good. She only annoyed me once. And Des, she didn't do anything except keep eating after she said she was done. Whatever the whip thing is at Sizzler is HELLA good, just fyi. Then I was super hurrying Gramma up since I thought I had to take her back home and I didn't want to be late for when Stan comes over to help me with homework, but it turns out I just had to bring her to my house. Then my Bunny came over and helped me with homework. This was semi hard Russian homework. I need to listen to 9, 10, 12, 19, and 20 over and over again. I get them all mixed up. I just gotta thank Stan for coming over for 15 minutes to help me with my homework even though you were tired and only had ten hours of sleep in the past two nights. For that, you're amazing. But yea, it's difficult. I need to concentrate. There's a bit more listening stuff that I should do, but I'll do that later.

2m I have jury duty. So I'm going to the first two classes, then coming home, and I believe my mom will be taking me. I need to be at room 307 at 12:30. I really hope I don't get picked. It'll make me so sad if I'm picked. Holy shit, I need to do Geology hw 2m too. Like all of it. So I'm gonna bust my ass. I won't be seeing my Bunny, since he's pulling an 11 hour school day. I'm nonchalant. There really isn't a point in putting up a fight to show him that I'm upset b/c he won't do anything to fix it. When he says I'll make it up to you, I want him to actually make it up to me. Give me flowers.. chocolates.. something. Just so that I know that you feel bad for skipping out. But since we've had this talk a million times before and he hasn't gotten the idea yet, I figured that I won't even waste my breath anymore. He'll prolly never get it. *Sighs

Katy just called. I'm going to a David Choi concert. Nov 15. I'm excited. A Wholesome Threesome event. I love Kat for getting these tickets. I'll be seeing her Tuesday. Smoothies, yum. I need to get a sketchbook.

When will this guy email me the info for my job ? Hello Anthony, where are you ?

Back to Speech hw, then maybe getting ready for bed.

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