Monday, August 10

I'm home

I'm finally home after spending two weeks, maybe a bit more, at Stan's house. It was a WONDERFUL time there. I loved it. Sooo many memories. I loved playing house with him. I didn't take one second for granted. I loved playing with Squirtle. Changing the water. Seeing how excited my Bunny was once he got him. Waking up next to him. Tapping in the middle of the night to turn over and hold me. Or to scoot over. Or to share the blanket. Cooking for him. Cleaning for him. Helping him do laundry. Watching non-cable with him. Going to Nick's house and not worrying about driving home twice. Eating the the kitchen table w/ cable in there. Trying to watch porn but not finding anything interesting. Ahahaha. Soo many good things happened these past few days. Running outta cash. The sadness. The fights, the happiness. Sexytime, duh. Showers. Staying up until 4 am and sleeping until 2.

Soo.. Stan's new BI, I don't like her. Called him 15 minutes before he was supposed to arrive at his appoint. Oh well. She just doesn't seem to like her job. I think he's gonna get into an academy though. B/c why would they be reopening his file ? Hmm. I hope so. He's having so many issues now anyway. He has to get his immigration papers in order. And then something w/ State and him not knowing how the class schedule worked so now he's not gonna have any classes. My poor babe. I'm so sorry for him and there's nothing I can do to fix the prollem. I wanna go to SF State an talk to a conselor and see if they can do anything. He just wasn't aware of how the system worked.

2m is our 1.5 year. I need my money. I was gonna ask, but dad was being a jerk. So now I gotta wait for mom. And both of my cars are low on gas, so I gotta get the card. But I was told Joi has a doctor's appt so maybe I'll have to be up early to get it or get gas. Ugh.

I love my boyfriend. He's simply amazing. And I believe I'm at two weeks. Yay me.

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