Thursday, August 13


Last night was rough. I think me and Stan are both trying to adjust to being away from each other and with that we're taking it out on each other. It's also prolly b/c we're adjusting to waking up early again. We're both prolly more than cranky due to our lack of sleep. Esp. b/c he texts me whenever he wakes up (and he works mornings now, so that means a text around 7:00am) so I'm up with him. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I remember feeling that stuck on a fence. Since I'm the one trying to get him back, I feel like I need to do whatever needs to be done. If that means I put him before my family, then it just needs to happen. But god forbid I ask him to do that. He'll have a bf and I think that's what happened last night. I wasn't first, so I was upset. And then he just shut me down. I know that it's all over now, but I think alla this needs to get off my chest. I don't think he sees how hard it is for me since I'm the one working to get him back. I need to do whatever I can, and I shouldn't be complaining. But I don't think it's fair for him to not do the same for me. I just want you to be able to see what I'm doing.

So.. apartments are cheap, if you're not looking for amenities. I should tour some and get the feel of this crap. I'm seriously job hunting. Something HAS to come my way. Soon. And with this job hunt comes a new me. I'm going to start interviews off with clearly stating that I have a speech issue, but they don't affect my work and it's only b/c I'm nervous. If you talk to me outside of the interview setting, I'll bet it'll be gone.

School's starting on Monday. I'm kinna excited. I gotta email that teacher, but he doesn't have an email address. Maybe I'll still be enrolled. I really hope so. If not I gotta retake that damn class. FML. I hope I get a new backpack. There's HELLA Hello Kitty ones, but I want a Pochoco or a Badtz Maru. I should go back to Amazon and EBAY and search harder. I don't really want a purple backpack. I want something plain colored. Ohhhh. I'm hoping to carpool w/ Katt this semester. So I'm not alone alla time during school. And I hope to make new friends in my classes. I need to still buy some books and talk to dad about purchasing a parking sticker.

My face is breaking out. It itches really bad. I have no idea what happened to it.

2m is hair appt. Maybe I can talk mom into getting me some flats or something.

Project Runway comes on tonight on Lifetime. Only TV that gets that channel is downstairs and Idk if Joi will be that nice. We'll see though.

It's almost over now. 12 days. I wonder how it'll go down.

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