Sunday, May 3

Today, plus the rest of the week.

Today is my homework day. I already finished my math and phil homework. Now I gotta do the project for interior design. I woke up around seven to get alla this shit done. For my project, I gotta trace the floor plan and the elevation, plus glue alla elements to the boards. I'm doing my shit HELLA simple. I got the smallest boards I could find, so I'm hoping that it'll limit me in over doing it. I was looking at people in class who were getting pictures of lamps and chairs and rugs. I just got basic pictures of rooms, then fabrics. With the majority of the fabrics I'm gonna be taking from home. So there. I was seriously thinking about just taking elements from my last project or my unused boards and doing it that way.

Upcoming Week
So, Stan's parents are leaving. He claims that he's gonna spend the whole week with me. I'm extremely hesistant, b/c he likes to say things and then shit comes up. I know that he's gonna try, but I just rather him not say anything for me to get my hopes up and then I'm left being disappointed. Wednesday we're supposed to be going to the zoo, b/c he has to get extra credit for his anthropology class. Monday and Tuesday, who knows what we're gonna be up to.

My parents are coming back today. I'm excited. I missed my mom. And she hasn't had the best time down there. I just want to have her come home and relax.

Project time. Need to get to it, or else I'm not gonna do it.

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