Sunday, May 17

Lazy shits

So, I think my Uncle David is a lazy shit. He doesn't do anything. What REALLY irks me, and pushes my buttons, is how he needs to be involved in everything. Whenever I try to cook something, he needs to come down and help me. Today, I was trying to wash the cars with Moose, and he's screaming out the window how we should do it. Like, wtf ? If you wanna tell me how to do something, then do it. I hate that. When I'm doing something for somebody else, and people try to tell me how to do it. That's REALLY annoying. Anyway, my dad wanted us to use this special tool thingy that would help clean cars faster. How it works is you attach it to the hose, and you dip it in soap, and then the water and soap mix on the brushes. But me and Moose couldn't attach the damn thing. Then he comes outside and attempts it. All he does is fuck up the hose, and ruins the tool. And then he winds up washing a car. I mean, it's nice that he wanted to help, but he needs to learn a new approach. And then he's like do you guys have the picture of what to do and crap and me and Moose just nod. And then he tries to leave, but we tell him to fix the hose. He says it's fixed, and when Joi turns on the water, the entire nozzle of the hose pops off, and her HAIR gets wet. Maybe you guys don't know, but black people's hair is NOT meant to get wet. So I told her to run in the house and immediately comb her hair. I learned that trick awhile back when my hair got a few rain drops in it. The quicker you comb it, the less damage will be there. So yea. My mom was pissed. And our hose is now broken. Somebody better fix the damn thing so I can wash Carrots' cage. Anyway, we "washed" the cars considering we had no nozzle on the hose and our soap was tarnished, and I had to shower cuz Bunny was coming over. Showered, then right when I was out and got done putting on lotion, I heard his bike. I was way excited. But then Uncle David comes in and he's like, please don't disrespect me like that anymore. It's rude. I'm just nodding, checking my nails, waiting for Stan to knock on the door. He's just blabbering on and shit. He's comparing him teaching me how to wash cars to Joi learning how to drive a car. That's the only thing I clearly remember him saying. Anyway, I feel like I didn't even disrespect him. He shouldn't be all in the business, you know ? It's annoying.

So, Stan comes over, and I missed him so. It was nice just being able to chill. Lots of nothing. We watched this interesting documentary on the children in Cambodia being sold as prostitutes and what not. Those poor girls were like 8 and 9 years old. I was so shocked. After being here for a few hours, he bounced. I was okay with it. I was tired, and I really need to get started on that damn paper for English. I'm prolly gonna bullshit it though. The more I bullshit, the less work I have to do, and that's great, especially towards the end of the year.

2m is my interview with Movin' 99.7. I hope this goes well. I mean, it's simple. Fun. I need a job. I'm thinking about changing my Myspace picture simply b/c I have a feeling people are checking that. Ugh. English time.

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