Saturday, May 16

Hella random things that are on my mind.

So, I gotta start with these young uncultured kids. It's REALLY frustrating when a Filipino person says that they speak Filipino. And how are you so stupid that you don't know what being "into" somebody means ? And how do you plan on being in a relationship in high school ? I hate these little girls that are just boy crazy. It's sad, and sickening. Trust me, the right person will come along for you. Don't be stupid and holla at every guy you see. It makes you look desperate.

Anyway, it' s nearing the end of the week. I still haven't heard anything from the arcade. I'd love to have that job. I'm sad. Very sad. I'm upset at how I'm going on alla these damn interviews with NOTHING coming back to me in return. What did I do to deserve this ? Maybe I shouldn't have let Bubba's in such a haste. Oh well, I did. And now I'm living with it. I need a job. Something to occupy my time. The thing is, a lot of places are hiring OPENERS for the summer, and b/c of my stupid summer class, I can only be a mid to closer. It's REALLY stupid. I wanna start to save money so I can move out and rebuild the money I have in my other account. Put $50 from each of my checks into my savings at my bank, and another $50 at the bank my dad has set up for me. I'm gonna do alla this without your ass.

I'm reaching my final breaking point in this relationship I think. I think I'm invested in it way more emotionally than you are. I don't want anything physical from you anymore. I want your emotions, for you to take your time and something something completely spontaneous and sweet. It doesn't need to be huge, Idk how many times I've told you that. Just do something that will make me say aww. That'll make me fall in love with you all over again. Please change your ways, or else we're gonna have to change our relationship.

I'm looking foward to these few weeks off before summer session. I feel like I need the break. I busted my ass off with sixteen units this past semester. Waking up early everyday just so that I'm a convience to you, and you couldn't even acknowledge it with one simple thank you. It's okay though. Cuz I'm gonna get a job eventually, and you're gonna miss me. I know you are.

I've decided that I'm going to start walking Prince. I want to train him to be a house dog all over again. He's already house trained. And when it comes to feeding, just put small amounts of food in my room. I hope he doesn't try to kill Carrots. Anyway, it's gonna start with me walking him daily. Since I'm not feeling the gym thing anymore, this'll be a good exercise for the mean time. And then some basic commands. Once he's comfortable and I'm comfortable with him, I'll bring him inside. He needs to be introduced to Carrots in a safe way. I don't want any murders.

I need to do things for me from now on. I'm not depending on you to support me. Though it'd be nice, you can't do it. I've already asked you, and you've turned me down. I'm gonna be that big girl now and handle shit without you.

Time to change and walk my dog before it gets too hot. I wish I shaved my legs. Ahahah.

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