Friday, May 8

Let's just rant

So today was boring. Woke up for school. The weather man said it was going to be all nice and shit, so I threw on a tank and jeans. Then I got to school and remembered that over in Lakeview, the weather sucks ass. So I'm walking around school hella cold. Thanks Bunny for the WARM chicken sandwich. It was good, just really big. And the Naked was good too. You're sweet. You're fulla sugar, spice, and everything nice. Ahahah. Home, did nothing, picked up Joi, got a snack, now this.

I woke up really bitchy this morning. I hate how mom and Joi always try to talk to me as I'm leaving for school. It makes me arrive later for school, which equals a bad park. I need a good parking spot, so I don't have to walk forever after philosophy class, when it's hella hot.

So, I'm taking a summer class. It's nice, I guess. It's everyday, 9:30-1:00. It's like having a job, but I HAVE to take that class, and PASS so I can take alla these other classes in the fall. I even planned my fall classes already. I'm taking sixteen units, AGAIN. I know it's bad, but I want to get out of City and transfer faster. Yay me if I can do it by the spring. My fall classes go something like this:
Monday: Russian 1: 8:30-10:00; IntDes Materials: 10:00-11:30; Architecture 12:00-3:00
Tuesday: Geology 9:30-11:00, Freehand Drawing 1-3
Wednesday: See Monday
Thursday: Geology 9:30-11:00 Geology Lab 2-5
Friday: NOTHING !
-So I love this schedule. I hate how I have the longest gaps between classes on Tuesday and Thursday. My plan is to just take naps in the library, or do hw. I'm going to be in school 8:30-3 on Mondays and Wednesdays. I'd like to have a job, but that is going to seem like an impossible talk with this schedule. Hopefully something will pop up around the summer for me that I can carry over to the fall. Anyway, I'd like to be done by Spring, but Idk if that'll happen. If worse comes to worse, I'll have to take another semester at City. I'm wondering if I can get away with not taking ALL of the required courses. I was looking at the sheet, and this woman put down things that weren't required. So maybe I am okay. Hmm, I'll see.

Ian texted me today. My TALLLL buddy from Bubba's. Ahaha, he needs a job too. He told me to keep an eye out for him on anything. I'll try to keep that in mind.

Friday's always suck. I come home and have nothing to do. I'm so bored. I'm prolly not gonna eat dinner cuz there's nothing to eat. I'm tired. Maybe I should take a nap.. but maybe not. Ahaha.

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