Saturday, May 30


I've applied to this one store in Burlingame like five times. I decided to just keep on doing it b/c it can't hurt. Today, I get a call for an interview. I mean, I'm still planning on turning in my apps to the other stores, but if I get the job here, I'm glad. I need something to do to occupy my time. And I'll be closer to my LBO. I'll spend hella time there, and possibly give her stuff since it's a children's clothing store. But, as always, I'm not gonna get my hopes up. I have a sparkle on my hand and it's really annoying. Glitter, glitter, glitter. <--Inside joke. Ahahaa. So yea, the interview is Monday at 10:30 a.m. So early, but I'm down for it since I have nothing else to do. Then I'll gym. Yepp, I'm going back to the gym.

I hope I get a job in one of the other stores. I'd like that more since it's in my field of interest.

Friday, May 29

Wish me luck

I grabbed two applications to Micheal's and Jo Ann's. I'm turning the one in to Jo Ann's 2m and going to Banana Republic down on Grant for an application. Wish me luck folks.

I'm crushing on you hardcore girl. You got my mind thinkin' hard and re-evaluating this thing. Maybe, just maybe ? We'll never know. Ahahhah.

Going back to the gym soon. I wanna feel good about myself.

Friends, maybe more will be coming soon.

Wednesday, May 27


I think finding a job now is impossible.

I'm way tired.

I need to let go. Slowly, but surely.

I have my eye on you, cutie pie.

That's all. I seriously have no life. I actually can't wait for summer class to start.

Monday, May 25

Can't remember it all.

I'm gonna write about my past weekend and alla the updates that I feel need to be shared.

Friday, Moose's birthday. Happy birthday to you. My sister is now officially a teen ! She's hella young, I know. So we took her to the Jungle. That was my first and LAST time driving that long with my mother as a passenger. She's a horrible passenger. Anyway, we drove the wagon. It was fun. There was traffic though. While Joi was there, a kid named Tom found her in the ball pit and clung to her. It was cute at first, then he became annoying. He was just there. We gave him some of our food and tokens to keep him entertained. His dad took him there, but was working the whole time. I think of that as simply bad parenting. Don't take a kid to a place somewhere when you're gonna ignore them. Anyway, after a while, he found a new friend and left us all alone. I felt hella old there. I tried to go in the tubes. There was a little staircase thing that me and Joi tried to go up. But there was a bar that neither of us saw, and we smacked our heads on it. It hurt like shit. Anyway, I climbed in my low cut jeans so my ass crack was out the whole time. Ahahaha. Poor kids got to see that. So then it came time to leave. Mom drove, b/c she was sobered up by that time. I told her to take 280 to avoid the traffic 101 gives. Somewhere after entering Hillsborough the car died. On the freeway. We called AAA for a tow, and the car could only take one person, so we called dad. He got there after the tow truck cuz his ass is HELLA slow. Anyway, the car was towed and hasn't been driven since.

Saturday was when Joi finally got to go to Santa Cruz. She's a chicken, so remind me to never bring her with me to any theme parks. Had fun, ate a lot, ect. On the way there, Joi broke the window in mom's car.

Today I'm supposedly going over to Nick's house. I haven't seen him in HELLA long. I miss him. Prolly gonna sip on stuff, watch TV, ect. Tonight the new season of Jon&Kate Plus 8 comes on. I'm so excited. I need to know what's gonna happen with this family. The media needs to butt out. They just have to pick on things that are perfect, b/c they can't find perfection for themselves. Also coming on tonight is the new season of lock-up. This time it's inmates controlling the cameras. That sounds good. I hope an operation repo comes on tonight too. Ahahhaha. I have alla my shows planned out that I hope I can watch.

I'm still looking for a job. I hate this life of mine.

Ohh, yesterday I hung out with my girls. I've missed them. We went shopping, but I didn't get anything. I'm on a budget until either me or mom gets a job. Plain and simple.

Wednesday, May 20


Today was a good day. Better than most. Woke up to take my Interior Design final. It was alright. I hate how she makes the review sheet, and then NOTHING on the review sheet ever winds up on the final. I guess a lot on that, but I still think I did alright. 2m is gonna be the final for English. We have to do an in class essay. I think that's the STUPIDEST thing ever. How does she expect us to crank out an essay after finishing our 10 page paper that we just did ? Though I didn't really do mine. Sparknotes is a life saver. Why would she give us topics to write about that we could find off the internet ? And then she's old, so we know she doesn't check if we did this or not. Poor lady.

After the final, I plan on walking my dog. Then showering. Waiting god knows how long for Stan to come over. My prediction is that I'll see him around 1, when he has FOREVER to hit the gym and then go back home and shower. Oh well. I'm not getting my hopes up over him.

I went to the doctor. Again, I was told I have eczema. I don't believe it. I'll do what he says. But if this thing does not go away, I'm going to go in there and bitch. You know what I was told ? Moisturize more often. Asshole. Oh well.

After this English final, no more school until June 15th. I'm proud of myself. I passed alla my classes. Oh wait, I gotta finish my Am I Blue? paper for online. It's due Friday. I should finish that 2m.

Joi's birthday is on the 22nd. She'll finally be 13. Why does it seem like she's been 12 for five years ? My poor sister. I plan to take her to Santa Cruz, but that's only if the weather permits. I hope it does, b/c she's been wanting to go for a long time. If not, there's always the Jungle. I just don't wanna go by myself, but oh well. I need to go out and socialize and get friends that go out.

I realized that ALOT of the girls I was friends with as a girl now have kids or are preggy. I find myself feeling left out. Ahaah. I'm glad that I don't have kids though. I wouldn't exactly be happy with that situation.

Time to get in that bed.

Tuesday, May 19

I'm good.

First of all, nothing days with my boyfriend are amazing. I love them. Just lying in his arms, and him lying in mine are so nice. He's getting sick though cuz he didn't sleep last night. Now he's sniffly. Poor guy. I spent the first like three hours of us hanging out trying to get him to take a nap so he could rest up and not feel hella bad. But he couldn't fall asleep. He was just tossing and turning, and that was SOO annoying. But he tried. I think in the end I shouldn't have done that, cuz he was just mean to me. Not in a bad way, but in a good way. Ahahah.

Today was philosophy's final. It was way easy. In & out of there in about 40 minutes. Not bad at all.

2m is interior design's. That should also be easy, if I study those handouts. She's gonna put names on there though, and I'm fucked, cuz I never pay attention to names.

Seriously, I'm gonna do English now.


I have some more stuff to say, so yea. I want to go back to the gym, but I have no motivation. I don't feel like I'm fat, so why go ? I went for like three months straight, and didn't get any of the results that I wanted. Stan keeps saying reduce your carb (or is it calorie) intake and you'll see weight loss. How am I supposed to do that ? He says it like I haven't changed my eating. It sucks. I never seem to do anything that's good enough for you. Anyway, I gotta think of a FUN (and cheap, since I have no funds) way to reward MYSELF for going back. Maybe after every day, walk Prince ? That's not a reward though. That's more work. Ugh. Idk.. think Jazminn, think hard. What do I like to do ? EAT, but that's a no-no. Maybe for going for a month, you get to go shopping. Get something small. Esp since you don't do it anymore. It's not gonna be that bad. Hmm, that's a start. Something small each month. I think I can do that. But I need a job. My money is ALREADY depleting.

I thought there was something else I wanted to talk about, but I guess not. Oh well.

Monday, May 18

What a waste of my life.

So... I was all pumped up about that job at Movin' 99.7, and guess what ? They're looking for people over 21. I drove alla way downtown, and suffered without my speech easy for no reason.I feel really stupid. I'm so upset. So now I'm back on my grind. I'm determined to find a job. Seriously. Anybody know of any openings ? Ahaha.

Sunday, May 17

Lazy shits

So, I think my Uncle David is a lazy shit. He doesn't do anything. What REALLY irks me, and pushes my buttons, is how he needs to be involved in everything. Whenever I try to cook something, he needs to come down and help me. Today, I was trying to wash the cars with Moose, and he's screaming out the window how we should do it. Like, wtf ? If you wanna tell me how to do something, then do it. I hate that. When I'm doing something for somebody else, and people try to tell me how to do it. That's REALLY annoying. Anyway, my dad wanted us to use this special tool thingy that would help clean cars faster. How it works is you attach it to the hose, and you dip it in soap, and then the water and soap mix on the brushes. But me and Moose couldn't attach the damn thing. Then he comes outside and attempts it. All he does is fuck up the hose, and ruins the tool. And then he winds up washing a car. I mean, it's nice that he wanted to help, but he needs to learn a new approach. And then he's like do you guys have the picture of what to do and crap and me and Moose just nod. And then he tries to leave, but we tell him to fix the hose. He says it's fixed, and when Joi turns on the water, the entire nozzle of the hose pops off, and her HAIR gets wet. Maybe you guys don't know, but black people's hair is NOT meant to get wet. So I told her to run in the house and immediately comb her hair. I learned that trick awhile back when my hair got a few rain drops in it. The quicker you comb it, the less damage will be there. So yea. My mom was pissed. And our hose is now broken. Somebody better fix the damn thing so I can wash Carrots' cage. Anyway, we "washed" the cars considering we had no nozzle on the hose and our soap was tarnished, and I had to shower cuz Bunny was coming over. Showered, then right when I was out and got done putting on lotion, I heard his bike. I was way excited. But then Uncle David comes in and he's like, please don't disrespect me like that anymore. It's rude. I'm just nodding, checking my nails, waiting for Stan to knock on the door. He's just blabbering on and shit. He's comparing him teaching me how to wash cars to Joi learning how to drive a car. That's the only thing I clearly remember him saying. Anyway, I feel like I didn't even disrespect him. He shouldn't be all in the business, you know ? It's annoying.

So, Stan comes over, and I missed him so. It was nice just being able to chill. Lots of nothing. We watched this interesting documentary on the children in Cambodia being sold as prostitutes and what not. Those poor girls were like 8 and 9 years old. I was so shocked. After being here for a few hours, he bounced. I was okay with it. I was tired, and I really need to get started on that damn paper for English. I'm prolly gonna bullshit it though. The more I bullshit, the less work I have to do, and that's great, especially towards the end of the year.

2m is my interview with Movin' 99.7. I hope this goes well. I mean, it's simple. Fun. I need a job. I'm thinking about changing my Myspace picture simply b/c I have a feeling people are checking that. Ugh. English time.

Saturday, May 16

Hella random things that are on my mind.

So, I gotta start with these young uncultured kids. It's REALLY frustrating when a Filipino person says that they speak Filipino. And how are you so stupid that you don't know what being "into" somebody means ? And how do you plan on being in a relationship in high school ? I hate these little girls that are just boy crazy. It's sad, and sickening. Trust me, the right person will come along for you. Don't be stupid and holla at every guy you see. It makes you look desperate.

Anyway, it' s nearing the end of the week. I still haven't heard anything from the arcade. I'd love to have that job. I'm sad. Very sad. I'm upset at how I'm going on alla these damn interviews with NOTHING coming back to me in return. What did I do to deserve this ? Maybe I shouldn't have let Bubba's in such a haste. Oh well, I did. And now I'm living with it. I need a job. Something to occupy my time. The thing is, a lot of places are hiring OPENERS for the summer, and b/c of my stupid summer class, I can only be a mid to closer. It's REALLY stupid. I wanna start to save money so I can move out and rebuild the money I have in my other account. Put $50 from each of my checks into my savings at my bank, and another $50 at the bank my dad has set up for me. I'm gonna do alla this without your ass.

I'm reaching my final breaking point in this relationship I think. I think I'm invested in it way more emotionally than you are. I don't want anything physical from you anymore. I want your emotions, for you to take your time and something something completely spontaneous and sweet. It doesn't need to be huge, Idk how many times I've told you that. Just do something that will make me say aww. That'll make me fall in love with you all over again. Please change your ways, or else we're gonna have to change our relationship.

I'm looking foward to these few weeks off before summer session. I feel like I need the break. I busted my ass off with sixteen units this past semester. Waking up early everyday just so that I'm a convience to you, and you couldn't even acknowledge it with one simple thank you. It's okay though. Cuz I'm gonna get a job eventually, and you're gonna miss me. I know you are.

I've decided that I'm going to start walking Prince. I want to train him to be a house dog all over again. He's already house trained. And when it comes to feeding, just put small amounts of food in my room. I hope he doesn't try to kill Carrots. Anyway, it's gonna start with me walking him daily. Since I'm not feeling the gym thing anymore, this'll be a good exercise for the mean time. And then some basic commands. Once he's comfortable and I'm comfortable with him, I'll bring him inside. He needs to be introduced to Carrots in a safe way. I don't want any murders.

I need to do things for me from now on. I'm not depending on you to support me. Though it'd be nice, you can't do it. I've already asked you, and you've turned me down. I'm gonna be that big girl now and handle shit without you.

Time to change and walk my dog before it gets too hot. I wish I shaved my legs. Ahahah.

Wednesday, May 13

A girl just wants to have fun, right ?

Hell no. We want to be loved, be heard, be cared for, paid attention to. I've stressed this over and over again to you. Just LISTEN to me sometimes. Please ? When I ask you do something, can you please just do it ? If I start a sentence and then stop midway, just leave it be. I hate repeating myself. Maybe it comes with stuttering, but I hate it.

Today was an average whatever plain day. School. 2m's my last day. I'm excited. I gotta finish that paper for my online class, but it's not due until the 22nd now anyway. Last day. Then final for math on Friday, nothing Monday, Philosophy final Tuesday, Interior Design final Wednesday, English final Thursday, and ALL of them are at 8:00 a.m. How stupid is that ? But at least I'm out after that English final. No more nothing to worry about until June 15th, when my summer class starts.

So... I need a job, and kinda badly. Though it's gonna suck being in school to the extent I am (9:30-1:00 p.m., everyday) and then trying to work, I know that is just has to happen. Stan's mom wants him to go on a vacation. And he wants to take me. That's semi my motivation. Not alla it, but it's helping. Or else I'll just not be able to go. We've definitely settled on a cruise. It's just a matter of where. I'd love a Disney cruise. How awesome would that be ? Or to the Caribbean, or Jamaica.

I'm feeling ignored. I'm tired of telling you the same thing.

Monday, May 11

I'm tired and very upset.

Today was a good day. As most Monday's are. But Stan being so tired just ruined it for me. Then we got into another HUGE fight over something. I completely changed what I wanted for him, for us, so we can be together. And he couldn't even accept it. It simply wasn't enough. I just want to make him happy. He doesn't see it, and that hurts, it hurts really bad. I cried, I always cry. I cry so much, and I'm sick of crying. I have not EVER wasted so many tears on a guy. I shouldn't have cried. I shouldn't have let it escalate, but it was too late. Too many emotions were already involved in that argument for me to ignore it. In the end, I guess it worth it. We reached an agreement, but it felt empty. It felt empty b/c he had to go. We couldn't fully complete our talk, since his mind was already somewhere else. I just wanted some time to be together so we could REALLY get over it. But we couldn't even do that. I'm at a breaking point in this relationship. He needs to do some giving EMOTIONALLY instead of just physically. I need to be shown that I'm loved, not just told. I'd like to get small things... but I don't wanna get into that right now either. That would be a whole new argument, w/h we've already had SEVERAL times. I just need you to listen to me, do you get that Stan ? I say things, and I'd like to be acknowledged. I like to have questions answered with words, not just a different question. I'd also like your input on things. Either way, I meant what I said. You're VERY welcome.

Now, I had that job interview today. It was cool. I'd like it there. The guy who interviewed me, Ron, he was HELLA cool. I felt a good connection. I felt like the interview me and him lasted longer than the other one he had with the Asian kid before me. I'll know by the end of the week if I have the job. I SERIOUSLY hope I do. I'd feel REALLY good about this. He's a REALLY good guy, and this job seems like something I'd love to do. Really easy and smooth.

I have to do this book review for my online final. It should be a breeze. I mean, how hard could it be ? Just go over the book. What I like & don't like. Recommendations. All done. Omgah, today I felt SO stupid in math. I remembered right before I left home that we had a test. I got to class, and the Filipino with the weird neck was like, it's only on chapter 8, right ? And so I followed his lead and was studied chapter 8 before the test. When the Russian teddy bear teacher came in, he passed out the test. What was on it ? CHAPTER MOTHA' FUCKIN' 10 ! Why Jesus ? Just why ? I remembered how to do a lot of the stuff that was on there, hella lucky. But some of the stuff, I just drew blanks on. I wanted to cry. I seriously did. But once I actually took the time to go over the problems that were listed, I saw that I could actually do the majority of them. I felt REALLY good about myself. I did that whole test with NO cheat sheet. I'm proud. Yay me ! I don't need you to be proud of me, either. 2m is part one of the test, which will be chapter 8. So I'm all set. I'm going to try to get there a bit early so I can finish my hw and turn it in. And after that test, I have an appt with the interior designer person at City, something Regino at 9:00 a.m. I hope to hear that I'm taking alla right classes and that I'm on the right track. That's what I HOPE to hear, but I doubt it. I feel like I'm gonna be stuck at City longer than I wanna be. But it's nobody's fault but my own. I just hope to finally hear some good news in my life. And I plan on going back to the gym. Ugh, I REALLY don't want to. But whatever. Nothing else to do. It should help me get over this if the sleep doesn't do it on it's own.

I need to figure out this money situation. Badly. I hope I get this job.

Sunday, May 10

Kinna whack.

So today wasn't the best of days, but it definitely wasn't the worst of them either. I had to wake up DUMB ASS early to go to Oakland so I can have my hair done. Being black sucks sometimes. I'm surprised cuz it didn't even take him all that long. I was expecting him to take until at least three, but it didn't take him past two. Yay.

Happy mother's day to alla momma's out there.

I'm going over to Bunny's later. In like, an hour. He's way hungry, so I know I'm gonna get hungry later, but Idk what to do, since he's gonna already be full and whatever else. Ugh. I hate when he does that. But shit happens. Maybe I'll just try to eat something before I leave.

I'm tired. Oh, I have an interview 2m at the pier. Yay me. I hope I get this. And if not, I'm somewhat counting on Daniella to hook me up with a job at Forever. Ugh. I'm a big girl, and it's just time that I get my shit together.

I should so take a nap...

Saturday, May 9

I think I'm spoiled.

Well, I know I am. I see how other people have to struggle in their lives just to get by, and I complain over the pettiest things. I know I should be happy with alla things I get, but for some reason, I always want more. I guess that's just human nature. You always want what you don't have. I know I'm going to get over this though. I have to.

I've decided that I'm going to go job hunting at Tanforan, since I saw that a bemollion places are now hiring. Just go door to door and apply all over. Make a list and all. I even applied to be the designer at JC Penny. I figure I've been in school long enough that I can do this. Though I'm young, I have this shit locked down.

Today is going to be boring. Laundry, coloring, boring interet things. I need a job so I'm outta the house more.

Wtf happened to Paul & my Safeway job ?

Friday, May 8

Let's just rant

So today was boring. Woke up for school. The weather man said it was going to be all nice and shit, so I threw on a tank and jeans. Then I got to school and remembered that over in Lakeview, the weather sucks ass. So I'm walking around school hella cold. Thanks Bunny for the WARM chicken sandwich. It was good, just really big. And the Naked was good too. You're sweet. You're fulla sugar, spice, and everything nice. Ahahah. Home, did nothing, picked up Joi, got a snack, now this.

I woke up really bitchy this morning. I hate how mom and Joi always try to talk to me as I'm leaving for school. It makes me arrive later for school, which equals a bad park. I need a good parking spot, so I don't have to walk forever after philosophy class, when it's hella hot.

So, I'm taking a summer class. It's nice, I guess. It's everyday, 9:30-1:00. It's like having a job, but I HAVE to take that class, and PASS so I can take alla these other classes in the fall. I even planned my fall classes already. I'm taking sixteen units, AGAIN. I know it's bad, but I want to get out of City and transfer faster. Yay me if I can do it by the spring. My fall classes go something like this:
Monday: Russian 1: 8:30-10:00; IntDes Materials: 10:00-11:30; Architecture 12:00-3:00
Tuesday: Geology 9:30-11:00, Freehand Drawing 1-3
Wednesday: See Monday
Thursday: Geology 9:30-11:00 Geology Lab 2-5
Friday: NOTHING !
-So I love this schedule. I hate how I have the longest gaps between classes on Tuesday and Thursday. My plan is to just take naps in the library, or do hw. I'm going to be in school 8:30-3 on Mondays and Wednesdays. I'd like to have a job, but that is going to seem like an impossible talk with this schedule. Hopefully something will pop up around the summer for me that I can carry over to the fall. Anyway, I'd like to be done by Spring, but Idk if that'll happen. If worse comes to worse, I'll have to take another semester at City. I'm wondering if I can get away with not taking ALL of the required courses. I was looking at the sheet, and this woman put down things that weren't required. So maybe I am okay. Hmm, I'll see.

Ian texted me today. My TALLLL buddy from Bubba's. Ahaha, he needs a job too. He told me to keep an eye out for him on anything. I'll try to keep that in mind.

Friday's always suck. I come home and have nothing to do. I'm so bored. I'm prolly not gonna eat dinner cuz there's nothing to eat. I'm tired. Maybe I should take a nap.. but maybe not. Ahaha.

Thursday, May 7

Broken promises and lonely days.

So, as I predicted, I did NOT get to spend the week with Stan. When I brought it up, he told me to "stop busting his balls." How the hell am I busting your balls ? I told him that it wasn't going to happen. But he pinky promised it would. I was very hesitant would it happen. And now that it's not happening, what the hell am I supposed to be do ? Just sit here and take it. No, I'm not. You should know good and damn well what you did, and how it was wrong. You've pinky promised me NUMEROUS things, but you can't focus on not one of them, even after I tell you it's not going to happen. I told you something was going to come up. But you denied it, and now you're left.. prolly not even feeling guilty. I'm hurt, simply b/c you don't listen to me. Which brings me to the thing yesterday.. but I'm not going to get in to that. I just want you to listen to me.

I have another job interview today. It's for an event planning company, from what I read up online. I'm glad that this person sent me some sort of information that I could goggle so I'm not left feeling lost for which job like I did Monday. I hope I get this one, I really do. This one seems like something I could really grow into. I saw that event planning could really relate to interior design. I'm excited. I hope my mouth works with me and not against me this time. Even though I wear my speech easy, I still get nervous, and I completely forget to listen to myself as I talk. This time, I'll take my time, and focus. I must. It's at 11, and it's 10:00a.m. right now. I'm anxious as hell.

Tuesday, May 5

I need to procrastinate.

I guess it would be smart if I started off talking about yesterday b/c it was fun.

I went to math and interior design. Me and Stan decided to skip English b/c we were just gonna watch Othello (that we only started to watch last week, so we were way lost). And so I had him drive to my house on his bike, and we met up and chilled for like, 4o minutes until we went to philosophy to turn in our homework, b/c I had a job interview at 1p.m. Turn out with that job interview was an internship for a bridal magazine. They need a designer for layouts. I mean, I can do that easily. She said it was also possible to turn it into a long term career thing. I can do this easily as to have something to do if I get it, but I'd still like a job to have something that I can rely on for my financial situations. Anyway, after the interview, Stan and I were hungry. Like way hungry. So we went to this new Mexican place near the L&L near that paintball place in Burlingame ? Or San Bruno ? I never know where I am in the peninsula area. Anyway, I killed a burrito, and they were HELLA cheap. And gooood. Thanks Nigga G for recommending the place. Then me and Stan went over to Nigga G's. We drank bourbon. That's a change from our normal vodka. And I made a bomb ass smoothie. And we had the usual hot dogs and cookies. Then we watched magic. I think our mondays should be labeled monday night magic. Ahahaha. That's cheesy. Anyway, me and Stan left Nick's around 11:50ish. Then we came back to my house. It started to rain, and I was so concerned about my hairs. Anyway, we came back, and ... sexytime ! He left around 1:45am. I was so tired but I was trying to stay up and make sure he got home safe since he left in the rain, and he had to ride home.

Anyway, today is new day. Stan woke up around 1:30 and was like I'm so lazyface. So I just said stay home. I didn't want to hear him bitch or anything about how tired he was. But this just goes to show when he said, "I'll spend alla next week with you" that it was again another empty string of words that just came out of his mouth. Surprisingly, I'm not all that upset. I've learn to just let go. He needs to see it though. So we're supposed to be spending today doing homework. I started on my online hw. I need to get started with my book review for that class. And I should prolly start on math, but ehh. It's not due until Monday. And if I do HELLA math hw now, what am I gonna do Friday at the library ? Take a nap ? So.. once I'm done with the weekly online stuff, I'll read the book that I'm reviewing for a refresher course.

I guess I'm done with my procrastination session.
I wish you told me you respected and were proud of me more often.Bold

Sunday, May 3

Today, plus the rest of the week.

Today is my homework day. I already finished my math and phil homework. Now I gotta do the project for interior design. I woke up around seven to get alla this shit done. For my project, I gotta trace the floor plan and the elevation, plus glue alla elements to the boards. I'm doing my shit HELLA simple. I got the smallest boards I could find, so I'm hoping that it'll limit me in over doing it. I was looking at people in class who were getting pictures of lamps and chairs and rugs. I just got basic pictures of rooms, then fabrics. With the majority of the fabrics I'm gonna be taking from home. So there. I was seriously thinking about just taking elements from my last project or my unused boards and doing it that way.

Upcoming Week
So, Stan's parents are leaving. He claims that he's gonna spend the whole week with me. I'm extremely hesistant, b/c he likes to say things and then shit comes up. I know that he's gonna try, but I just rather him not say anything for me to get my hopes up and then I'm left being disappointed. Wednesday we're supposed to be going to the zoo, b/c he has to get extra credit for his anthropology class. Monday and Tuesday, who knows what we're gonna be up to.

My parents are coming back today. I'm excited. I missed my mom. And she hasn't had the best time down there. I just want to have her come home and relax.

Project time. Need to get to it, or else I'm not gonna do it.

Saturday, May 2

I love it all.

I love the arguing that we put ourselves through,
I love the making up that me and you do.
I love the lonely days and sleepless nights,
I love the name calling and the play fist fights.
I love being sad,
I love when you're mad.
I love all of the pain we endure,
I love our love, that's for sure.

It's all of the fighting that you go through that brings two people together. If you have a fight with a person, and you're willing to sit down and talk it out, that shows how much you really care.