Tuesday, October 12

Last Straw

Where did that saying come from? What was somebody doing that they had to make the last straw have such a strong emphasis?

So, Stan and I have restarted our relationship. It's on our last leg. It's actually a kinna scary feeling. I'm really hesitant to have even done that, but I love him way too much to just let him go all that easily.So, we're attempting to work things out, for the last time. If somehow things don't go right in the way I expect them, I'm going to just be done with it, be done with it all.
-So Sunday night, just went over to the condo, I wasn't all that hungry, so we didn't really eat. We just watched some Criminal Minds and then we eventually ko'ed. Stan wakes up around 4am and starts playing video games. Wtf, right? So I kinna ignore it and sleep s'more until 9ish. I get a hot dog for breakfast. Yummy. Then we get dressed and head to the pet store to look at dogs. I really want that Munchkin, but I doubt it'll happen b/c dogs are REALLY expensive. $800. But I fell in love with it. Or I'd like a shih poo. Those are also very cute dogs. I want a mixed breed, but nothing mixed w/ chihuahua b/c those are some annoying mofos. So we were gonna go to Maddie's and then the Humane Society, but they were both closed. So we then went to Jamba Juice, I got a Pink Star and I ordered him a White Gummi, and then we drove to Twin Peaks. Chilled there for a bit, then we decided to take a drive through the Presidio, where we had an impromptu quick tour of the Walt Disney Family Museum. Ahahah. Then we went to Tanforan b/c Stan wanted Starbucks, and then we walked around there for a bit, when I was trying to find a dress to wear for the wedding. Omgah, that's gonna be mission impossible. So then we went to Chilli's for dinner, where we ordered. We ordered our food, then since we had time to kill, decided to go over to Spirit to see some cute Halloween costume ideas. There were a few cute ones, but Idk if I'm even going to be doing something for Halloween, so I'm not really gonna go out and buy something just for the hell of it. Once our food was ready we went over to Nick's house, ate, watched some of our shows, and then Stan ko'ed. Poor baby was just really tired. So there was a tuss there, and so we left on a sour note, but we talked it out.

I'm almost fully accepted in Art School. I need to find s'more money b/c I know that I'm not going to be able to afford it with just the substantial funds that I can get from just financial aid alone. My only worry is that I might have to take out a loan or something. I really don't want to get a loan b/c I don't want to have to pay something back later on in life. That's insane.

The car thing is happening, slowly. I just wish it would happen faster.
I also need to improve on this job situation. I wanna hopefully get something real after this semester is done at City since I'm going to be free a lot.
I want a puppy, badly.

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