Friday, December 25

So like.. yea.

Today didn't turn out that bad. Um, I was JIPPED on my presents. I got THREE things. And one of them I can't use properly, so I gotta be janky with it. Normally there are TONS and TONS of presents under that tree for me and Joi. But for some reason we were skipped this year. We didn't get shit. I got stickers, that only have one n so I can't spell my name so I gotta use a u and be ghetto. I got ipod speakers that I'd use if I had my ipod. And I got chapstick. Yay me. Joi got the same chapstick and ipod speakers. Then she got a few more things. I stayed at Auntie Sweetie's a lot b/c I wanted to help and organize the presents for everybody else, in the HOPE that I'd get something more.. but there wasn't anything. The Twins got hella shit. And so did Soyhala, Butu, and BJ. Then I ate over there. The dinner this year wasn't even all that good. It was bland. There wasn't any type of salad. Or sweets. This was the worst Christmas. Not just b/c of the presents, but b/c of everything else. The mood was different. Wasn't the same.

I love Mona. She just went through something dramatic, and she STILL is going strong. Go on girl. I got ya back like a heavy duty bra strap.

2m is the Tahoe trip. Even though it's not really a trip. It's a one day thing. Kinna quick. Go up there, do one activity, then bounce. I'm packing HELLA shit though. I should bring a blanket just in case. I'm really scared of being stranded out there. Like a road will close. That'll just suck major balls. But I have hella snacks to last if that does happen. And I got alla monies from dad. Ahahaha.

So yea. I guess that's a short blog. Merry Christmas all.

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