Tuesday, December 15

My brain hurts

2m is kinna a big day. I have to go to the new hair shop. I'm the test dummy. I'm going by myself. I'm kinna sad a/b that. If I don't like it, what should I do ? Smile and be happy ? I just want it to be nice. Esp since my birthday is coming up. I want to feel pretty. If it doesn't come out nice, I'm just gonna stop her and let her know I'm not paying her.

I've been trying to pick my brain and figure out what the hell I'm getting from Stan. I know for Christmas he's taking me to the snow. I figured that once he said that we'll go, ect. And then we were talking a/b it for awhile, and he compared it to my Valennersary gift. That's pretty obvious to me. But my birthday gift, I have no idea what it could. I want it to be something. I REALLY want it to be this ONE thing, but I know it's not. Or it could be. I should stop trying to pick my brain and just let whatever it is happen. I just don't wanna be surprised if it is what I think it is. What's throwing me off is how he said showing it is also important. Ugh. But the he said that it could be used daily. Not that is has to be used daily. Soo.. wtf ? If it's what I want it to be, I'll be the happiest person ever. But if it's not.. it better be something really damn good. Esp since I'm spoiling the HELL outta him this Christmas. Two pair of shoes (Nike 6.0's and Jordans) and a watch. So yea. I used alla what I had on him. I still gotta find something for my bff/sister. Ugh. I just want to get her something different. But maybe I just won't. I'll get her something special and she'll be okay with it.

So, work. I'm still hunting. I applied all over and then some. I decided to even go with internships for interior design, even if they are unpaid. It'll give me experience. Idk why I'm still doing interior design. I'm having another change of heart. But we'll see what happens this semester. I think Spring Semesters are always easier for me than Fall ones. I hope I do well. I wanna be here one more year. One, and that's it. Maybe two, depending on classes.

I'm tired of being on the comp. There seriously isn't anything to do anymore. I loved menginspired's comic a/b this topic. Check your social networks, blog, email. Then what ? You do it all over again. Ahahaha.

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