Monday, September 7

I need new birthday plans. *Insert biggest sadface ever.* I hate this. I was planning this for a YEAR. I'm so done. Idk what to even do know. Just go eat ? There's never anything fun to do in December. Happy fuckin' birthday to me. All of my friends suck. You ALL canceled on me for various reasons (even though they're good ones) and now I'm stuck doing nothing for my birthday. Fuck all of you guys. I think I need new friends.

Congrats to the new married couple.

I'm job hunting. I need something new. I love this job, but it's not gonna be permanent. Unless I stay with the company. Have I even mentioned the job ? I'm a demo rep for Sambazon and we travel to Costco's selling our product. I hate the AM, cuz she's spacey and never does her job. My coworker is just plain retarded. And she has NO license. Her dad drives her to work. Wtf ? Maybe you should spend your free time taking lessons and growing up. I need a job w/ cooler people.

I have school 2m, and I'm supposedly seeing Stan. But who knows what will happen. I have a feeling, that something will come up. It always does with him. I also gotta pick up my bc. 2m isn't gonna be nice to me, I can just feel it.

I'm looking for places, and there are definitely some good ones out there that are cheap. I think "when the time is right" I'll be able to get one, that I love.

What else can I rant about ? Nothing. This day just sucked balls.

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