Wednesday, September 30


I was sleeping so well last night w/ my Bunny and I didn't want him to leave. Then he woke me up and made me change into jammies and he got ready to leave. Ugh. I was ko'ed on him. Nice and warm. It sucked super bad.

Today, I have a few minutes left. I'm debating if I should stay. It's bugging how I'm behind and I need to go step by step to catch up. I'm not getting the help I need, so it's frustrating. I need to finish this soon. Maybe I should just go.

I need to look for a yob. I might just go home and do that, and hw, then come back and get Katt. It's frustrating me. Ugh. Hateeee CADD. With a passion.

Things to do today:
-Pet store for Carrots
-Book hotel
-Talk to dad a/b using his name for car
-Catch up on ALL assignments

Think I can accomplish alla that ? Let's hope so.

Monday, September 28


I hope to be better by Wednesday. I hate being sick.

2m is gonna suck. If I hadn't already typed out what I was gonna do, I'd do it. Pretty much just run HELLA errands and spend time with boyfriend. Boyfriend means movie, clean cage, snuggle, but prolly not in that order. Luckily I'm sick, so I prolly won't smell anything. I know it all smells bad too. Hasn't been cleaned in FOREVER, but that's b/c I've been poor. I got the check from Sambazon, so I guess I'm good. Too bad I was overdrawn and now have to wait for it to clear. I should do a quick scan to see how much things will cost 2m so I know how much to ask dad for. Ahahaha, spoiled much ? I know.

Anyway.. I had a job interview today. With a durka. I know, right ? He was so schizophrenic. He told me to sit down as I walked in, then walked outside and told me to follow him. Then he had to help the clerk on duty do a return. She was weird too. I don't think I'm gonna fit in with the weirdness level that's being produced at that store. Ahahah. It'll be ironic if I get the job and start working at the rink. The place is at 2 Embarcadero and the rink is @ 4 Embarcadero. Hella close to each other. And speaking of the rink, Jeremi called today ! I'm hopefully gonna be cashier, b/c I'm tired of skate host. And it's HELLA cold just being skate host. And I hate it. Soo.. hopefully that'll be cool.

When that check clears, I'm booking the hotel. Stan better have my dough. Then I gotta talk to dad to see if we can rent the car in his name b/c we don't wanna pay the extra taxes. I'm soo excited for this vacay. It's much needed.

Mmkay, I'm tired of typing, and sniffling, and licking my lips. I'm tired of being sick. Ugh.

Sunday, September 27


I'm so bummed. I didn't get the job. The job that would've been perfect for me. I got a lousy email telling me so. I'm disappointed. I was for sure that that job was mine, but like so many others, it was snatched from me. It sucks so bad. Damn this economy.

I've been doing homework all day. Today has gone by so slow. I did finish alla my Russian. I'll finish Geo soon too.

2m is gonna be long. School, then going to the bank, the the art store, then pet store. I gotta get markers for art, and I gotta get Carrots a new litter box. I'd clean her cage 2m if I could, but the damn thing is soo big and heavy that I'm not able too. I also wanna clean her ball and her carrying case and leash. The weather has been nice so I should take her out.

I need cable. I've been reduced to watching NOTHING on my 2/3's cable. I watch a lot of MSNBC, Discovery, TruTv, and E!. Ugh. Mom does a lot of talking a/b this, but I know she's not gonna be proactive.

Mmkay, I'm gonna finish Geo now. Hopefully.

Saturday, September 26


I hate being sick. I hope I get better soon.

I will get alla my homework done.

I wish you weren't like that sometimes.

Chilled w/ Nick a bit last night/this morning, but I slept the whole time b/c of my meds. Ugh. Cookies though. Yum. Next time we go over, I plan to stay awake.

I need to clean Carrots' cage. And my room, put up alla the laundry. And vaccuum.

I read my horoscope and seen that I'm gonna get good news from a job. Hmm. Maybe ? Prolly not.

I'll go back to Cadd regularly now, promise.

Tuesday was awesome. Bunny super spoiled me that day. There needs to be more days like that. Sushi, movies, sexytime. Ahahahaha. Gotta love it.

What else is there to talk about ?

I have a Russian test on Tuesday, and a Geology test on Thursday. For me to take the test in Geology, I gotta finish this one sheet, that has like 54 questions. Ugh. Russian, I'm hoping it's just writing. But I gotta remember the names of hella clothing and accessories and technology things. Another ugh.

I need some eye candy. Something stimulating for me to see before I start my homework.

Saturday, September 19

Disrespectful ass kids.

Omgah, where are the parents at. Look, I know I'm only a few years older, but you WILL NOT talk to me in any form of disrespect while I'm being nice and doing you a fuckin' favor. That's just not the way things work, esp with me. I'm so sick and tired of everybody thinkin' I'm nice. You all have pushed me to my motha fuckin' limit. You will NEVER treat me like how you treat your friends. Respect me, or leave me. I don't tolerate any more of this shit.

I will finish my powerpoint today.

I think I was supposed to hang out with Jess, but she never called me. So maybe something else 2m. I really don't care.

Friday, September 18


So, I think it's time I blogged. It's been awhile, and some things have been happening.

I was recently "let go" of my position from Sambazon. Idk why. I got a text from the boss. So I've calculated my totals and I better be gettin' my checks soon. With that, I had a job interview today. I hope I did well, b/c now I'm ready and willing to work. I also got a response from a real estate company showing houses. I think that job is better than the one I went for today, so I hope I get it.

Um, I think soy is fuckin' up my period. Like seriously. It's SOO light now, it's crazy. I either don't bleed my entire off week, or I have like, five drops. Is that normal ? But I did have cramps this off week and two KILLER headaches.

Um, Stan surprised me yesterday with chocolates. A big box of chocolate from sees candy. I was shocked. I had two of them. And I'm gonna have one more tonight. I'm scared of getting a coconut one though. I'd love a nice milk chocolate. Or a mint chocolate. Yummy.

I'm getting my hair done 2m. Ugh. Gotta be up wayy early. I think this is the only downside there is of being black.

I have another speech to give on Monday. It's on tattoo ink. I'm super nervous. Like, ugh. I hope I don't cry again. That'll just be embarrassing. Another girl is doing hers on tattoos. Hopefully I don't give a lot of the same information she has in her speech. I was working on my powerpoint earlier and just decided to end it b/c I couldn't find a tattoo of a friend that has red ink in their tattoo. I might have to FB stalk people and find one. Ahahah.

Speaking of finding, Lindsey found me on FB. Yay, my Chinese twin. Now we shall hang out and meet up.

I'm tired of typing. And this is prolly hella long.

I miss my boyfriend terribly. Weekends suck without him.

Wednesday, September 16

Hopin', and wishin' and prayin'.

I REALLY want a new job, soon. I applied to a few places and I'm gonna keep on this hunt. Something better turn up.

Joi has her first softball game of this year today. Gotta go and represent. It's just SOO ugly outside atm. I hope the weather gets better.

I gotta drive around HELLA today. Kinna sucks. Ugh, oh well.

I'm tired. To stay awake in this class will be a struggle today, but I did it Monday. Cheer for me folks.

Monday, September 14


I need to get on the comp more at home. Seriously. I need more time. I hate my job. Not really. Just you. Well, I don't hate you. But I know I don't like you. I should carpool w/ you & blast my hip hoppers. See how you'd like that. I'm such a good girl. Anyway.. gotta email Anthony. Wholy moly, almost forgot about that. I'll hop to it.

Mmkay, I handled my business. I need a new job. I'm actually excited for the rink to start. That's a job I actually like. Minus the parking. But it's still fun. The closer it is for the rink starting, the closer it is to my birthday, and that means that it's almost time to go to Anaheim bitches. Woot woot. Five days with my boyfriend uninterrupted.

I have a test in Russian 2m. I'd love for Stan to help me study for it, but Mondays aren't good for him b/c his schedule is retarded. He doesn't even talk to me on Mondays. Must do Geology tonight and study my Russian.

2m is Tuesday, boyfriend day. When am I going to get paid ? I have no money and now the bank is being stupid. I should ask Anthony a/b this. Um.. Idk what's happening 2m, at all. Wednesday, I'll be with my bff Katy. I love our days together. And then on Thursday I'll be with Stan. Friday working. But I'm happy it's in Mountain View. I don't think there are that many places to where I'm actually commuting.

I have HELLA time to work on my drawing. I'm gonna be done with it hella quick though. The other guy who has mine is making his way complicated and Idgi. He should just let it be.

Mmkay, I think it's drawing time. And maybe even snack time. I actually should make this nap time so I'm awake in class. I hope I don't have a ticket b/c of how I parked.

Wednesday, September 9

It's actually kinna cutesies

So, I was going over alla my old blogs and it's trippy how I go from I hate Stan & how this always happens to I love him & he's so amazing. From what I can tell, my bday is STILL on b/c Stan says that it would be selfish of him to make me cancel it for him to save some money. I'm NOT getting my hopes up. Shit always happens. So yea. Anahiem with my boyfriend for FIVE fuckin' days. Yay.

Yesterday was Tuesday w/h means spend the day w/ the boyfriend. We actually did. Went to the doctors b/c I had to pick up bc, ate @ Hooters & I had a nasty ham&cheese sandwhich. The ham was burned. Stan called it "well-done." It's ham. It doesn't come in different cook varieties. Just one. So, I've decided that I'm gonna stick to my original grilled cheese sandwhiches from there from now on. And I had these bomb hot wings. Actually hot wings. Stan had two of mine, and he looked like he was in soo much pain. Anyway, then we went back to my house and chilled. We were both tired, but neither of us slept. Sexytime, duh. Then we cuddled. And then he wanted ice cream. Together me and him both ate a pint of ice cream. We ate ice cream and watched Operation Repo. Then it seemed to be HELLA late so we agreed that he would leave. But it turns out it was only 10pm ! Oh well. He got home, and I ko'ed on him. As always. But I was exhausted in my own defense.

I'm blogging from the lab in the ARCH dept of school right now. It's kinna dope. Ahahah. Um..

Work this weekend in Santa Cruz. That's another long drive. At least I don't have to commute and go over the damn bridge over and over again. Just 101 to 17 I believe. It's just ath how mom describes it, it kinna freaks me out. That's the only way in & out of there. I'll leave early to allow for traffic, b/c I have SHITTY luck. I think Friday Jess is coming back as well. So maybe Friday night Nick's house.. and Saturday chill day w/ the girls at the Boardwalk ? My hours suck, but it's nothing else I can do.

Class time.

Tuesday, September 8

Hey giiirrll, what's ya name?
The name's Sarah and I'm feelin' ya game.
-I love meeting new people.

Um, I'm waiting until 12:30 when I should be heading back to class. I gotta bring my helmet and a a coat b/c me & Stan gotta go to the doctor's so I can pick up my bc. My back has been hurting all day.

I got a b+ on my first writing test in Russian, and I hope to see how well I do w/ my first speaking one 2m. I think somebody in that class likes me.

I'm still waiting for somebody to step their game up.

Monday, September 7

I need new birthday plans. *Insert biggest sadface ever.* I hate this. I was planning this for a YEAR. I'm so done. Idk what to even do know. Just go eat ? There's never anything fun to do in December. Happy fuckin' birthday to me. All of my friends suck. You ALL canceled on me for various reasons (even though they're good ones) and now I'm stuck doing nothing for my birthday. Fuck all of you guys. I think I need new friends.

Congrats to the new married couple.

I'm job hunting. I need something new. I love this job, but it's not gonna be permanent. Unless I stay with the company. Have I even mentioned the job ? I'm a demo rep for Sambazon and we travel to Costco's selling our product. I hate the AM, cuz she's spacey and never does her job. My coworker is just plain retarded. And she has NO license. Her dad drives her to work. Wtf ? Maybe you should spend your free time taking lessons and growing up. I need a job w/ cooler people.

I have school 2m, and I'm supposedly seeing Stan. But who knows what will happen. I have a feeling, that something will come up. It always does with him. I also gotta pick up my bc. 2m isn't gonna be nice to me, I can just feel it.

I'm looking for places, and there are definitely some good ones out there that are cheap. I think "when the time is right" I'll be able to get one, that I love.

What else can I rant about ? Nothing. This day just sucked balls.

Wednesday, September 2

I try too hard. I should have less feelings. I'm sorry for upsetting you b/c I feel neglected. But would you rather it happen again ? I think not. So I told you. And now, as always, I feel like shit. Why do you make me feel so bad whenever I tell you how I feel ? Just step up to the plate and let it be known that you'll make a change.

I'm passing up a day of work so I don't miss school. Gotta get my education. I'm not pulling a Katy, no offense babe, but I'm school first, work second. Which btw, I gotta start looking for something new. This is temp, unless I choose to stay w/ the company. But Idk what that means exactly. Stay with the company and do what ?

Maybe 2m will be better since you'll have had some rest. Maybe you just have.. I won't say it. But I can't put out if I'm not in the mood. Sometimes something sweet and romantic will do the trick. Is that seriously too much to ask for ?

I've found our two year anni gift. I wonder how much it'll cost.

Tuesday, September 1

Demari at his game. Sorry it's sideways.

I need to have less emotions. We simply need to talk.

My birthday that I was way excited about, just might wind up being canceled. Yay. I'm so over it. I don't even wanna have a birthday celebration anymore. Fuck it.

I should be doing homework. I should regoogle those directions. But I'll do that downstairs 2m morning. And print out alla info. A whole week missed. Sorry folks.

I need.. you. How it was. To put it simply, be sweet to me. For one day. Do something unexpected. Or maybe that's just too hard for you. Whatever.