Monday, September 20

Alla the things I wish I could

Prepare yourself, for this is going to be a long one.

I wish I could just whine to you and tell you that you can't always be cheap with things. I've been such a good girl and trying my hardest to get everything done. I should be rewarded with something of some sort, to my picking. I've been asking for a PROPER vehicle for the LONGEST time. And now after alla the troubles I've had with Putt Putt and the wagon, I'm stuck in this piece of shit Geo. I have no AC, no radio, the cigarette thingy doesn't even work so I can't even listen to my ipod, there is HELLA wind getting into that car, but not like a breeze. You can just hear it as you're driving in silence to wherever you are going. I can hear my mom "You should be grateful to even have a car, this and that, this and that, but NO I shouldn't. I should be grateful if I get something that doesn't make me feel like I'm the poorest person in the world. I'd be grateful if for once I got something that I wanted. I'd be grateful if I wasn't riding around in another bucket. But that's all I seem to get. I wish I had money stored or saved somewhere that I could just grab and buy another car, so that I wouldn't have to deal with this damn mess. Since this accident, there has been so much hatred. I'm taking alla my feelings out on everybody and I feel slightly bad. My mom doesn't wanna sue the bitch b/c she believes in karma and ect. But I'm just s'posed to let this go ? She made me ruin my chance of getting a decent car. Now Dad's off for a week and he's going to be even more determined to get me a car, but I know it's not going to be anything that I'd pick out for myself. And the CHP who was there is racist, so I know I'm gonna have to file a complaint against him. And since I'm pissed, I'm gonna sue his ass too. Maybe the whole damn CHP just b/c. And then Triple A wanted to be a cock sucking douche too. Wanted to lie, not give my dad a receipt, hold the car hostage. Ugh. i want things to go my way, but as of late, a lot of shit's been going sideways. Thank you Drake, for providing me with the perfect quote to describe my life's situation right now. I'm angry at Stan b/c he wasn't there for me. He didn't even tell me that he was going out. And I know if I did something like that, he'd flip. It's slightly unfair of him to do things like that. And I could've used him being there for my behalf. Son of a bitch. I'm just angry. I'm angry at the world b/c it seems like NOTHING is going my way, the cards are not looking to promising, the glass is half empty, whatever metaphor you wanna use, it's that.

That felt good. Now to some better news, I guess. I'm just a/b done planning the SECOND Valennersary trip !! Yay !! We're going to DisneyWorld. Yessss. Idk anybody who's been there. So I'm excited to go and experience it w/ Stan. We're going for six days. And Stan's gonna try to hook it up with a room at a Westin from his old coworker.We're hopefully gonna be staying here. It's looks amazing, and we'll prolly never have to leave our hotel for meals, which is good, since there are something like 17 on the grounds. And even if we stay in a small room, it'll be grand. The itinerary is even done. I broke it down day by day, and there maps that I can print out for each day with what we wanna do highlighted so we don't gotta wander around. I even marked w/h ones have FASTPASSES so we can grab those first. And our lunch stops are also on there. And thanks to my Sissy I can get a five day pass for HALF PRICE. Woot woot. So my trip will be cheaper than I originally thought. The only thing that's bothering me is the flights. There a lot of flight options, but I want the cheapest, with the best service. Southwest is cheapest, but they have horrible seating. But I like how bags fly free. But they don't really serve you food on the flights. Which sucks. I'll look more of this up later when I'm on my break.

Schooooooooool. I'm just not feeling it. Maybe I should just take online school. That would be better for me. I like being in the comfort of my own home. And I'll have more time to work or do whatever I wanna do. We'll see what happens. I gotta finish traffic school, since I'm on the subject of schooling. Get to it Jazminn.

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