Sunday, March 21

I need sleep.

I've been so tired lately. All I wanna do is sleep. I wish I didn't always wake up early. But I do, and it sucks. So, where I should I begin ?

School, I need a break. I'm soo happy this upcoming week starts spring break, b/c I need it. I need to see my girls, my new friends, and simply sleep in and not worry a/b school. I have my art project due Tuesday, and I'm NO WHERE near complete. I have to do like, three saturation charts, and then I have to gray down my pictures for the saturation pictures. I must complete this. If I do, I'll be all good. I'll paint as much as I can 2m. Hopefully it's a lot. Turn in what I can on Tuesday. Then I can just do a saturation chart from then on out until the end of the semester and turn everything in. I gotta keep up this semester so I can get outta here. Then for Russian.. omgah. I'm like, so over this class. How sad is that ? Krista isn't making the class fun anymore. I was all excited last semester and wanted to learn, but now.. I don't really care. We have a test 2m, and I'm thinking a/b skipping it and retaking it on Wednesday so I can.. you know. But maybe I won't even do that. Maybe I'll just write a note out to myself and help myself thatta way. I'm doing really good in stats. I'm proud of myself for sticking with this class and not giving up. I'm doing alla hw even though it upsets me sometimes. And then health, blah. I gotta let my nerves go at the door before I enter that class. No matter what group I'm in, I'm always the one doing alla talking. It's annoying. And the teacher isn't all that good in enforcing other people to talk. She shouldn't let the asian people just walk out like that. If they try to join our group, I'm not letting them in. They didn't contribute. Then history. Omgah, I just sit, take notes. Love this class. My favorite it.

Boyfriend. Omgah, he's finally stepping up. He still has a week left of probation though. But he made a big improvement when he asked me to sleep over Saturday. I was super shocked. That NEVER happens. I always have to beg and plead him to do it. But these time he asked. I mean, we didn't go on a date or have any alone time this weekend, but it was nice still spending the night with him. Saturday, he picked me up and we went to eat and then we waited for Nick to come and get us cuz he needed to get drywall. Luckily we were there b/c he didn't know that he needed gypsum board instead of just regular drywall. Then we had to carry it. Omgah, heavy stuff. Then me and Nick chilled at his place. Then Chris and Ellen came over. Yay, another girl. We all got hungry and then decided to go to Hooters. I felt bad and didn't wanna order w/o Stan so I held up the process. We ordered hella starters. They were all sooo good. Then we laughed lots, ordered meals, ate up, went back to Nick's. We watched The Hurt Locker. Um, that movie wrecked my nerves. It was horrible. Too many people died and it was just stressful. Ahahaha. But I guess it was good. I stayed up for the whole movie. Then me&Stan came back to my place, sexytimed. Ko'ed woke up, tried something new. Went to eat, then he dropped me off. I'm sooo glad that our relationship is finally getting back on track. I love him soo much.

Friends. I'm gonna spend more time with friends. Swear, hands down. Spring break, that's all I'm gonna do. Ohh, I just got an idea. C;

I gotta get in bed now. I'm exhausted. I'm debating if I should go go to class 2m. Ahhhhh. We'll see what happens.

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