Tuesday, March 2

A written promise..

To myself, of course. I will no longer skip art class. If anything, I'll go to class and leave early. Just go. Do something. Sleep even. No more skipping.

I think Stan's finally getting it. Maybe, I hope. He's definitely been better this week. But he may slip back into his slump over time. It's always a possibility, and it being a possibility means that it could happen. I can't believe it took what it took for him to even see what I was going through. Gahh.

I was cleaning my nose and stabbed myself with my damn nose ring. I hate this damn thing. Ahaha. But, I'm ready for a third tattoo, on my other foot. Maybe in a few more months though. I don't wanna overwhelm myself.

Thursday I'll be with Daniella and Beyah. Yay. The poor girl. She wants to go out more. It kinna makes me laugh b/c she was talking a/b Farrah on Teen Moms and how she wanted to go out and be a teen, since she still was one. But now she's doing the same thing. Hmm. With that, I realized that even though I want a baby, I'm not ready for one right now. I'm too into doing nothing with my life right now.

And I need to stop being so damn lazy with my schoolwork. I procrastinate everything. I was doing soo well in the beginning. I'll get back on track next week, no matter what. I must also stop myself from beating whoever that bitch is in Russian. She must not know 'bout me, I'll smack a bitch in 2.5 seconds flat. I'm from the hood bitch.

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