Friday, April 9

My gah.

I have to write more often. I have so much to tell you, but prolly not enough time. The last time I blogged was on the 21st. That's like, two weeks ago ? Gahh. Mmkay.

I thought Stan was stepping up, but he really isn't. He's faking it. He's using sleep overs to ease his way outta trouble, but it's not working. At least not for me anyway. I asked him to write me an email a/b two weeks ago. And he has yet to do it. If it's not done by the end of this week, that's it. He's getting too comfortable and I don't appreciate it. Seriously, how long is it to write an email ? Put some pen to a fuckin' piece of paper to let me know how you feel ? It's unfair for me to be taken for granted when I treat him so well and give him everything that I have. I should be getting the same in return. At least once a week. I just feel soo ignored.
-Maybe once the condo is done, there will be more time. Omgah, the condo. It's FINALLY coming along. I love to see results. My vision come to life. The kitchen and bathroom are done. Living room, office, and bedroom need to be completed. Carpet in the bedroom, then furniture. Paint in office and living, floors, then furniture. I said we should look at Ikea for furniture, since they seem to be pretty cheap.
-The academy is also almost over. Just three more weeks and he's a graduate and a full time cop. It's seriously freaking me out. What if he's in a bad neighborhood ? Ohh, I also just found out that once he's a cop, he has four months of probation. So that could mean more time for me since the academy is over (w/h I REALLY doubt) or EVEN LESS time that what I'm getting now since he'll be scrutinized over his every more for four months. I shouldn't worry a/b any of this now, but I seriously can't help it. I have needs and wants too. And he's not meeting them. Not evening coming close. We had our first date in over a month last weekend thanks to his mom who shoved us out of the condo to have one.
-Speaking of his mom, we're bonding. I feel sooo good. I love talking to her. I think it's so cute when she says that she needs me around b/c alla the boys (Stan, Alex [his brother], and Stan's dad) always gang up on her. She needs me to help voice her opinion. And we surprisingly agree on almost everything related to the house.Yay for bonding.

School. Ugh. I'm so over it. I've come to terms that I have to retake a lot of classes and might not graduate when I want to, but whatever. It's a part of life. I really don't wanna even go on a/b school. I gotta finish this project for history this weekend. Must do stats. And some Russian. Alla this while going out tonight and spending time with my boyfriend. Yay.

I'm going out tonight ! With Soyhala and Katy. I promised Soyhala that as soon as she hit the big 18 I'd take her out to a club. So we're going to Mist. I should google how to get there real quick. And yea. I hope I have fun. I'm not wearing anything super fancy. Just a nice shirt and some booty shorts. Then I gotta figure out shoes. I was thinking heels, but Idk if I wanna do alla that. I should just toss on some flats. But then.. none of mine are all that fancy. Hmm. I'll think of something.

Family. I'm currently in trouble b/c I let the credits expire for the trip. Idk how to tell my dad that we booked a flight and the flight was last month so that money is gone. Um, yea. I'm fucked. I'm waiting on mom to get home so I can get a mani/pedi real quick. I need one. I'm thinking of a mint green finger. But then a dark green toe is like, ugly. Ahahah. Again, I'll thinking of something.

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