Monday, January 11

Getting better

So, today wasn't that bad. I got a lot accomplished I think in this small time frame. I applied to THREE places at Tanforan. F21, Victoria's Secret, and Hooters. I got an interview with Victoria's Secret on the 20th. That's a/b it. I doubt I'll even hear from F21 since the lady there was just rude. I think she was a bit racist. Hooters, that's up in the air. The people all seemed really nice. We'll see what that comes to. And for another job thing, I'm going to call the census bureau a/b getting a job. Maybe I'll get a score there. I think after that talk I had with Stan, I'm starting to see it really isn't me, it's them. Expect the worst but hope for the best.

I'm going to an NSA meeting on the 19th. After school, come home and chill for a bit. Stan wants to take me, but Idk if he should. He gets REALLY cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep. And that's really unfair to him of me to be selfish and want him to come with me. But he wants to. I'll see what happens.

School's almost starting. I hate how I ALWAYS forgot a/b books until two weeks before school starts and buy them, and then I'm stuck panicking a/b when they don't arrive. Oh well. All are scheduled between the 19th of this month and the 1st of next. That's a two week time frame, so I'm not THAT worried. *Carrots just tipped her house, so now she can't get over it. That's what the dumb rabbit gets. Anyway, I want school to start. Something to get me outta the house everyday. I should also go to the gym. Or just volunteer somewhere. I want to be proactive w/ my time instead of just always lounging around.

What other topics have been on my mind ? Nothing else really. Hmm.

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