Thursday, January 14

Ass kissers.

So, I'm really tired of ass kissers. My mom kisses my sister's ass b/c she things that by doing so she'll behave better. But little does my mom know all she's doing is feeding into my sister's game. The more she ass kisses, the worse my sister behaves. And I would bring this to her attention, but as soon as my mom gets home, she takes a fucking drink. And my mom is such a lightweight that one sip gets her buzzing and holding a conversation with her becomes impossible since she dominates the conversation and only wants to talk a/b what she wants to talk about. So it's like a loose loose situation. Oh well. I shall be gone shortly. Hopefully. Even if it means crashing with somebody else. I can't stay here. I'll go find a shelter or something.
Another ass kisser would be my boyfriend. He kisses my ass, only when he's in trouble. But he kisses his mom's ass alla time. Like, I understand she's your mother, but she's STILL treating you like a child. And that just isn't any good. And he feeds it. I can't explain this situation. I never really met a mamas boy. And I realize that I don't like them. But how do you tell somebody that they're a mamas boy, and that you want them to man up ? Ugh.

Um, I don't know what else to blog about. Today was boring. I stayed home. And I'm prolly staying home 2m. And then it's Saturday. I plan to dress up for Stan a little bit. But only if he proves he's worth it. I gotta start looking for a room and plane tickets. And call Auntie Christine to buy us tickets for Disneyland. So yea. I guess I'll be on that for a bit this upcoming hour until PROJECT RUNWAY starts. Woohoo. There's a designer from SF and one from Oakland. Bay Area STAND UP. Ahahaha.

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