Thursday, April 7

I wanted to..

.. write a really long blog, but my battery will soon die. I'm going to list all of the thing I want to talk a/b so hopefully 2m I can ramble.

Friends (overall) -maybe tie that in with Katy

I have an interview 2m for an Italian restaurant (Barolo). I need luck. And an outfit.

So here my LONG blog begins.. hopefully.

Katy, what happened? My text may have been harsh, but you could've responded. Maybe not then, but within a few days. I haven't even heard from you. You're s'posed to be my bff, but you're not there. It makes me sad. And on the subject of friends, it's really sad how I've been losing a lot. I've realized that almost all of the people on FB I never really talked to. I'm keeping people on there that I've had actual conversations with. All of these other people can suck my ass. I've made some good friends recently as well. Jasmine and Dessa. They're some cool as chicks. Oh, I've reconnected with Miguel again. He needs to stop coming in and out of my life. That nigga. Omgah. We still have our agreement though. And it's funny how we're in the same situation. Ahaha. Of course I won't talk shit. I can't!

School, I'm reading lots now, actually focusing for this shit. I realized that the only way I can finish, is if I put in the effort. Nothing else will be handed to me with a damn golden spoon. So, I gotta work my ass off. I'm feeling better now. I just hate reading the text. It's so boring. Maybe I'll go to a Starbucks and put on my itunes and just read. We'll see when we can have this happen.

Work. Omgah, so I posted some ads on Craigslist and got a response. I'm excited. The more I can work now and get ahead in the field, the better off I'll be. I also applied for an internship in the field. I'd be happier with an internship in the field than working a minimum wage job. But we'll see. I also have an interview 2m at 11:15am. I hope I get that as a way to start saving for these vacations me and Stan have planned. The more monies I have the better. I'm going to keep on applying for jobs as well. I figure the more my resume is out there, the better chance I have of getting a job. I wonder if this restaurant will be so sadiddy that I won't even like it though. Hmm, I guess we'll fine out tomorrow.

Family... hmm. I miss my baby Demari. Now he's a big boy. He grew up too fast and I'm just not ready for it. I'm also not ready for the growing up my sister is doing. I'm not ready for any of the people I've seen since birth grow up. It SCARES me. You're s'posed to stay w/ the little sweet innocence that I can remember since day one. I'm kinna pissed at my Dad for being douche. Idk why he has to make things so complicated. Why is it okay for you to talk super sarcastically to me, but if I do the same you get butthurt? So, that's why I called you an asshole today. Ugh. Mom is going in for a surgery soon, so I'm going to be with her a lot. I think that will be a pain in the ass. She already stayed home awhile ago, and it was the worst thing. Jazminn do everything. Bitch couldn't even get up to move her car for street sweeping. Lazy ho.

Stanislav. Oh boy, where do I begin with this man? I haven't praised him in awhile. So I guess it's time. Even though we have bad days, I love him so much. I realized this the other day. It may not have been a conventional way of realizing how I feel.. but I did. And it's sad, but in the end the outcome was good. Stan will have every ounce of me that I can give him. I want to spend my forever with him. Have little Black, Chinese, Hawaiian, Russian babies. Chinky green eyes. Small asian noses.  Long brown hair. It's quite sad how much I love him. How much I care. How I worry alla time when he's working. The thing I realized is that whenever we make the step to have children.. it'll be harder. I'm not only going to be worrying b/c of me. I'm going to have to worry for the sake of our family.

Vasiliy is so grown up. He's HUGE. Around 50 lbs. He's eating a 30 lb bag of food a month. Slowly eating me outta house and home. I think Stan is working with his parents so Vasiliy can stay over there every now and then so I don't have to constantly spend money on day care when I need a break. His sits are very good now. He just has a ton of energy still. I think within a year or so, he'll be tamer and calmer. I'm hoping on it.

I did it! I typed my really long post. I prolly won't have another one this long in awhile. I'm gonna walk Vasiliy at 9, then hopefully he's tired by the time ABDC comes on.

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