Wednesday, April 6


It's amazing how much work can get done if you actually focus. I think I just need a better study environment. I think I should go out of my way and study. Do libraries have wifi? I think if I'm in a place that doesn't have TV and where I won't have access to an outlet, I should go there to study. I was studying w/ Dessa at B&N and we got a lot done. I finished ALL my assignments for that day. Now I'm home and it took me all day to do the littlest amount of work. I gotta focus. No more slacking.

I try to stay out of drama. I try to not put myself in a position where people feel the need to talk about me. But people will talk. But I can make sure that all of what they say isn't true. So to you, Cassie my dear, I haven't said anything about you. I think it's kind of wrong that you unfriended me from FB, but that was your choice. All I ever wanted to do was to push you to be successful. I want the best for you, and to be honest, I don't think you rolling around with the people you are with will help you reach your full potential. Somewhere in you, I believe there is a good person. I believe you can do great things and be truly happy. I don't think Jeff is going to get your there, nor Christine, nor Nettie. All I ever wanted you to do was to try to go back to school. Enroll in City. Get some sort of higher education. Get a job to support yourself, so you don't have to rely on Jeff and his family. In the end, do you think it's really smart to not be able to provide for yourself? This may be where you're at now, but I hope you can see that's all I wanted, and prolly what Dessa wanted as well.

Maybe I should look for a job. It'll give me something else to do.

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