Wednesday, March 2

A letter to a lost loved one

So, there have been prollems in this relationship. I know that since we have a past that most friendships don't have. I guess it's true when they say, you can't be friends with an ex. Anyway, I've cared about you for along time. For almost as long as I've known my bestest friends. And for alla this to happen. Yes, I did leave you. But not for the reasons you think. It was late. I needed to rush to get Vasiliy. I thought leaving would be a way to make you hurry. You're right, I didn't have to come back to get you, but I care, so I did. I know you're a grown man and more than capable of getting home on your own. And for alla this to go down the way it did, I guess everyone's true colors are really showing. I really wish that there were other things I could say to you that would possibly get through to you to make this all just go away, but another part of me is a bit glad that it's over. This relationship has brought strain to my other relationships. I've had to lie to many people, I've had to put up a front. It's sad, but it's the path I chose, as to not hurt feelings. In the end, I get hurt anyway. You were s'posed to be there for me. To not hurt me. And in the end, we ended up hurting each other. Kinna sad that our friendship had to end this way.

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